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White Belt
My friend and I are studying jujitsu and karate under a man with experience in Kyokushin and some other stuff -- the upshot is, he's okay with us beating the tar out of each other if that's how we want to learn. What we are learning isn't Kyokushin, and I'm not interested in optimizing for competition, so I'm very interested in heavy-contact or even full-contact sparring, including hand strikes to the head.
I've gone ahead and bought some gear that aligns pretty well with our goals: MMA grappling gloves, which are a nice balance between padding and hand control, and some shin guards. What I'm not sure about is the headgear. My friend's recommendation is one of those thick, TKD-esque helmets with a clear face protector. My preference would be a kickboxing helmet like this. To be entirely clear, I'm not at all trying to be macho here -- I like the idea of not risking broken noses or whatnot. My objection is that helmets with face guards are heavy, uncomfortable, and obscure the vision.
What would you guys recommend?
I've gone ahead and bought some gear that aligns pretty well with our goals: MMA grappling gloves, which are a nice balance between padding and hand control, and some shin guards. What I'm not sure about is the headgear. My friend's recommendation is one of those thick, TKD-esque helmets with a clear face protector. My preference would be a kickboxing helmet like this. To be entirely clear, I'm not at all trying to be macho here -- I like the idea of not risking broken noses or whatnot. My objection is that helmets with face guards are heavy, uncomfortable, and obscure the vision.
What would you guys recommend?