crushing said:Thank you for very much for your response.
I didn't find where you really disagreed with me, and I didn't really find much in your post with which I disagree.
Oh...I apologize. I must have misunderstood.
I agree with your last post and Micheal Edwards comments as well.
One thing that is missing from the equation is the issue of manufactured consent, and lack of effecient product to choose from.
Sure, it is the consumer who should buy more energy effecient vehicles. But first of all, those need to be available in a cost effecient manner. They are becoming more available now, but right now it is at high out of pocket cost to buy these vehicles. Plus, the vehicles offered now are no where near the potential they could be.
I just think that people need to realize that it isn't solely the responsability of the working consumer to just simply buy more effecient vehicles. We forget that big oil and auto has driven us to be relient on oil, and to believe that technology for more effecient vehicles is far off in the future somewhere. They need to be burden with consequence much more then the working people that are the driving force of the economy to begin with.
I'll use myself as a real world example of how the consumer gets screwed. I am in the process of finalizing a deal on a 3/4 ton truck that I need for working purposes. The MPG is not the greatest, to say the least. Yet, because I am buying it for working purposes, and because I nailed a sweet deal and it is used, it is only costing me a few thousand dollars, well under its blue book value. If I wanted to buy a more effecient vehicle with the working capabilities of this truck, it would cost me in excess of $30K. And even at that price, the MPG tradeoff isn't significant, and other trucks that could utilize alternative fuel sources are unavailable or not able to fit the criteria needed for a working vehicle. So, I have to choose which will screw me less. Do I get screwed at the pump, or on the initial buy? Since I don't want to financially enslave myself from the get-go, I am forced to get screwed at the pump.
There are many people in similar situations as I; people who have to chose between how they want to be screwed. This is not a choice that working people should be forced to make. It's bad for our economy more so then anything. This is why our Government should step in and start making oil and other companies accountable for the situation they drove to create, so that we aren't the ones making all the sacrifice.