Master Black Belt
What games have you played that, without knowing at the time helped your martial arts?
example.."slaps" One person holds hands palms down on top the other persons palms up. the palms up person tries to slap the hands of the palms down person. Another version is to hold palms out in front palm to palm, the other person holds hands to ears and tries to slap the other guys hands.
What are some others? Tag, King of the Mountain, Kick the can, etc?
example.."slaps" One person holds hands palms down on top the other persons palms up. the palms up person tries to slap the hands of the palms down person. Another version is to hold palms out in front palm to palm, the other person holds hands to ears and tries to slap the other guys hands.
What are some others? Tag, King of the Mountain, Kick the can, etc?