Games for Kids Classes

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
I've started working on a list of games for kids classes that teach Martial Arts skills, if anyone finds it useful let me know and I will post more.

MMA Training Games Part 1
Copyright ©2004 Andrew Green

Name: Up and Down
# of Players: 6 or more
Skills: Reflexes, Teamwork, Warm up / cool down game
Equipment: Soft balls (3 is usually a good number)


Divide into 2 teams, each team gets one side of the gym and can't cross to the other. If a player gets hit he sits down. If the player that hit him gets hit then he gets back up. So if a player has hit 3 others on and then gets hit, all 3 get back up.

This encourages team work and basic strategy.

Name: Crab fights
# of Players: 2 or more
Skills: Balance, strength, movement
Equipment: none


Players start in a crab position, belly up on hands and feet, and must remain in that position. If they turn over or touch the floor with anything but there hands and feet they are out. They must push and pull other players to off balance them, last one still up wins.

Watch for kicking, if it is a problem restrict them to pulling / hooking other players.

Name: Freeze tag
# of Players: 4 or more (more is better)
Skills: Endurance, warm up / cool down game, other depending on variation
Equipment: none


One person is “It”, that person must “Freeze” all of the other players by tagging them. Once frozen they stand arms out until a non-frozen player runs under one of their arms, this unfreezes them back into the game.

You can also change the way a player becomes unfrozen to incorporate other skills. For example when frozen they drop to hands and knees and become unfrozen when another player shoulder rolls over them, or sits on their back and does a back break fall over them. Or have them stand arms out and become unfrozen when thrown. Make the skills match what you are trying to teach.

Name: Black Knights
# of Players: 2 or more
Skills: strategy, contact, footwork
Equipment: Foam Bats (These can be made with pool noodles, PVC pipe and duct tape.)
Masks are a good idea as well.


From Monty Python and the Holy Grail – Players must attack each others limbs with the bats, a clean hit removes that limb and the player may not use it. Arms go behind back when removed, with one leg the player is hoping, with both removed they are on their knees.

This is a great lead in to sparring as it gets them used to making contact and getting hit while keeping it fun and “Not scary”

Name: Belt Wrestling
# of Players: 2
Skills: Introduction to wrestling, control, strategy
Equipment: Belts


Players start of on knees facing each other, the goal is to remove the other players belt. Once it is off the match is over. Players can not grab their own belt at any time.

Variation - “Knock your socks off” - Same idea except players fight to remove each others socks.

Name: Cross the Floor
# of Players: 3 or more
Skills: Teamwork, balance
Equipment: Kick Shields, or any other object that can be moved and stood on.


You need just enough shields that all the players can fit on with one left and no room to move. They must cross the floor without touching the floor. This is done by everyone moving onto all but the last shield and passing it to the front, and repeating.

Name: Position Names
# of Players: 4 or more
Skills: Learning various positions and focusing on the smaller details
Equipment: none


Pair up the players, instructor calls out a position, ex. “Mount!” and each team goes to that position, They also must do it “properly”, so give 2 or 3 details that they are to focus on, so for “Guard” you might want a Underhook, hold the head down and cross the feet.

Keep the number of positions low to start and build up as you go. Change the details to match what you where teaching that class. So if you where doing basic attacks from guard you might call “Arm bar”, “Triangle”, “Chicken Wing”, etc.

Name: Escape!
# of Players: 2
Skills: Strategy, scramble, pins, escapes
Equipment: marked off “ring”


One players goal is to keep the other player in the ring, the other players goal is to escape. Start the player trying to keep the other one in the ring in dominant position and say go. Once the player escapes the match is over and they switch.

Name: Sumo
# of Players: 2
Skills: Balance, clinch control, strategy
Equipment: marked off “ring”


Both players face off in the ring, the first person to step outside of the ring or have anything but their feet touch the ground loses. Players may not attack the legs, or use their legs to attack. Only upper body control.

Name: Shield Fighting
# of Players: 2
Skills: Balance, clinch control, strategy
Equipment: Soft Kick Shields


Players face each other holding kick shields, If a player touches the floor with anything but their feet, lets go of the shield, or leaves the ring the match ends. They must push and redirect their opponent into losing balance or leaving the ring.

This is a great drill for introducing throws as it gets them to work on redirecting a person who is pushing into them, in addition it is a great tool for balance.

Name: Tails
# of Players: 2 or more
Skills: Footwork
Equipment: Short ropes, socks, gloves – Something to stick in the back of their belts


Players face each other with “tails” stuck in the back of their belts, if they lose their tale they are out. They must steal the tail from other players. Players cannot grab each other, and must remain standing. Restrict playing space and divide them pairs or groups, or one big free for all.

As an alternative attach the “tail” to the back of their knee to simulate a shoot.

Name: Punching drills
# of Players: n/a
Skills: combination punching, form
Equipment: none


Spread players out and call out combinations, they react and perform the combination. ex. “Jab-Cross”, “Jab-Round Kick”, “Jab-Jab-Shoot”, etc.

Be ready with a foam bat in case their hands start dropping, sweep the feet if the legs go straight, etc. Be loud and keep the energy high.

Name: Sword Dodging
# of Players: 2 or more
Skills: Reflexes
Equipment: A sword, or something to represent one.


Stand in front of the class, swing the sword horizontally high, low of downward vertically. On high swings players must duck, on low swings jump and on downward swings side step. If they make a mistake they sit down (or do some push-ups) Last one standing wins.

Name: Ball on the wall
# of Players: The more the better
Skills: using legs in guard, teamwork
Equipment: Swiss Ball


Lie players down on their backs, butts to the wall. They must pass the ball along the wall from one end to the other without dropping it and back again. Alternatively go heads to the wall, or even stagger them. They can only use their legs, no hands.

Name: Overhead Ball Pass
# of Players: 3 or more
Skills: Leg use in guard, Spinning in guard.
Equipment: Swiss Ball


Players lie down on their backs, legs up as in guard. All of them start head towards the beginning of the line. Hand the ball to the first person, The ball can only be touched with their legs, the objective is to pass the ball down the line without dropping it. Once they have it they must turn so that their head is facing the other way and pass it over their head to the next person. After passing it stand up and run to the end of the line.
Wow, Andrew, that is some great stuff. If you don't mind, I may grab a couple of those ideas for my dojang.

Just to be fair, here are a couple of mine...

Name: Voyageur Push Hands
# of Players: Pairs
Skills: Strategy, sensativity, quickness
Equipment: None


Pair the students and have them face each other. The players feet should be a shoulder length apart and square with the other player. They should be able to put their arms up bent and touch palms. The object of the game is to get your opponent to move your feet. This is done by either pushing the palms or hooking the wrists.

Students learn how to give and take force in the form of pushes and pulls.

Name: Native Leg Wrestling
# of Players: Pairs
Skills: Strategy, sensativity, quickness
Equipment: None


Pair students and have them lay down on the ground on their backs. The students should have their feet going in opposite directions and should be laying close enough to link elbows. The instructor will then count to three. On each count, a student raises their leg on the inside and then puts it down. On the third, the students link legs and attempt to pull their opponent's leg to the ground.

This game is a great way to show students how to use their bodies most efficiently. The game can be dominated by strong people, but when one learns how to place their leg and how to hook their opponent's leg in order to get more leverage, the tables turn quickly.

Both of the above posts are great . I will write out some of the games we use and share them in this thread later.
Great Andrew! I'm planning to start a kids class next year and I've been looking for some sources of info for games etc. If anyone has more please post them!
Name: Tug-O'-War
# of players: 2
Skills: Strength
Equipment: A sturdy martial arts belt and any other cloth to act as a mark.


Simple tugging game. First one to cross the line loses. Emphasize the importance of not releasing the belt even if about to lose, as it sends the winner flying.

Name: Bodyguards
# of players: 3
Skills: Teamwork, Wrestling, Agression
Equipment: A sparring glove or any medium sized object.


Two kids stand on their knees next to the glove while the third is also on his knees several feet away. The loner has to touch the glove while the other two have to cooperate to keep him away from it until the instructor calls time. Only wrestling moves are allowed, no blunt attacks or locks.

Name: Jump-Crawl
# of players: Unlimited, grouped in pairs
Skills: Quickness, cardio, upper-body strength
Equipment: None


Spread the kids out, as they sometimes bump into each other. One partner lies flat on his stomach while the other stands beside him. When the instructor gives the mark, the standing partner jumps over the other, who then raises his body to allow the standing partner to crawl under him. This is one point. First pair to reach the cap wins (usually 5 with younger kids and 10 with older). Switch them afterwards to allow them both to work cardio and muscle.

Note: This game works well with adults as a cool down too. The catch with them is that the guy who's effectively doing pushups can't rest on his stomach while the other guy jumps over him. He has to suspend himself in the air.
Hot Hands
Players stand face to face. One player has hands down and the other with there hands on top so as to be palm to palm. Hands are positioned shoulder width apart, and halfway between them. The player with there hands on the bottom attempts to smack the back of one of the other player's hands. If they succeed, then they switch positions.

Trains: Timing and speed

Snatch the object
From the Kung-Fu TV series, one has a marble or die (The single of dice) in his open hand positioned in his palm. The other attempts to snatch the object from there palm. The holder is not allowed to move there palm, only to simply shut it closed with there fingers. If the grabber is successful, then they trade positions.

Trains: Timing and speed

Even kid's games can make great martial arts training aids!
Thank you SO much. I teach two classes of about 20 , 4-12 year olds. I'm really quite new to teaching, but I have so much fun teaching the children :)
CHICKEN FIGHTING - Prelude to sparring and randori
Two contestants face off in the ring. Each holds one foot and must keep hopping on the other and disturb the balance of the opponent. No elbow strikes, knee strikes or body slamming involved. The idea is to figure out how to disturb their balance without putting foot down or not hopping. Opponents may not use hands, feet, elbows.

The first player to let go of foot, put foot down or fall down or step out of the ring is out. The remaining player will face off with a total of three opponents in a row maximum before stepping out for "finals."

SNEAK UP - Development of balance, movement, self-control, patience and stealth.
Divide class in half - one half stands right next to the wall, facing it with palms down at their sides towards the room behind them. The other half of the class each is assigned a partner to sneak up on. On the signal they must proceed across the room (make it interesting by taking this outdoors where the autumn leaves are crunchy and prolific or by adding obstacles indoors) and touch their partner without being detected. They must be detected within a distance between three inches and two feet from their opponent - any farther away or closer and the sneaker wins, caught within this distance, the sneakee wins.

WAVE JUMP ROPE - Distance, timing, fitness, agility
Rope about 20 feet long - or tie a few spare white belts together (the belt itself, not the student) and use that. Instructor sits in the middle of a student-formed circle and swings the rope in a circle right above the floor. Students jump when the rope comes to them. Have your higher rank students behind you because the belt/rope will be higher there. If the student steps on or gets hit by the belts/rope, they're out. Each time someone steps out, the instructor picks up the speed and height a wee bit. Continue play until one student is left.