
Originally posted by FiveSwords
How about Ron Wood?
Forget Ronnie Wood, what about Mick Taylor of "Can't you hear me knockin' " fame. Alright maybe Ron Wood is the survivor. Speaking of Survivor what about Steve Hacket of GTR and Genisis.(the Survivor singer is the same as GTR).
Originally posted by OULobo
Also, can anyone remember the guitarist for The P-Funk? If you ever want some sonic euphoria, their song "Maggot Brain" fills the prescription.

Was that Bootsy Collins?
Originally posted by OULobo
Nah, Bootsy's tthe bassist and he does it with extreme style.

You are right, sir. I must have been too distracted by his star-rimmed glasses and platform shoes to realize what instrument he was actually playing. :D

And he does wail!
Is a bassist not also a guitar player?

Or are we considering only lead guitarists?
Well if we add bassists to the mix we are just throwing in too many people. I think we should just stick to lead (not even really rhythum(sp)). Besides a bass, is truly not called a bass guitar, just bass. The name bass guitar was used because the original method of playing the bass (much like a cello) was adapted to a guitar form so that (among other reasons) rock stars could jump around more easily.
Works for me. :)

Oh...Ottmar Liebert (sp?) is pretty awesome too, I almost forgot about him.
Originally posted by FiveSwords
Works for me. :)

Oh...Ottmar Liebert (sp?) is pretty awesome too, I almost forgot about him.

Yeah, he's new Flaminco. That is the hardest style to play, but when it is done right. . .Damn it sounds sweeter and softer than chocolate coated velvet.
And yet another.....

Neil Young with or without Crazy Horse.

Neil rocks.
Anyone heard of Todd Whitener from Days of the New/Tantric? He's a pretty darn good guitarist too.
I don't know about Haggar, he's too much of a vocalist (but he makes a damn fine tequila), but since some one said Randy Rhoads how about Zakk Wilde.
George Lynch-Dokken
Mick Mars-Crue
Nikki Sixx-Crue
Carlos Cavazo-Quiet Riot
Vivan Campbell-Dio, Def Leppard
Steve Clark & Phil Collen-Def Leppard
Lynard Skynyrd Boys-King,Collins, Rossington
Gary Moore-Thin Lizzy
Warren DeMartini-Ratt

Here's a few more no-names but kick *** guitarist.
Mathias Jabs, Michael & Rudy Schenker-Scorpions
Steve Harris, Dave Murray-Iron Maiden

Two more not sure if they are listed should be not going threw that list again.
Richie Sambro- Bon Jovi
George Thorogood
I'm pretty sure someone said Santana earlier.

Has anyone mentioned Jeff Baxter yet?

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