Game: Annoying things to do in the Dojo!

Is this going to hurt,
Will this break my nails?,
Don't mess up my hair,(both male & females),
I don't want to get sweaty tonight, I have to go shopping after class.

The bolded is something I've actually said in class, I'm embarrassed to say.

I have one (and it's true, too. I said this in class once and I got yelled at.): I suck at insert-thing-of-your-choice-here.

Yeah, you don't EVER want to do that! :uhyeah:
Another thing that really happened... from a 15 year-old male white belt, told to spar with a 14 year-old female red belt: "I can't hit a girl"... too bad for him that as we rotated partners he ended up with 3 more before he got to a male partner! :lool: And he still doesn't like sparring with girls - but I think that's because they all outrank him, and can outfight him, too!
Another thing that really happened... from a 15 year-old male white belt, told to spar with a 14 year-old female red belt: "I can't hit a girl"

He may be young, but that's still a decade and a half of ingrained chivalry that he has to learn to check at the door. Depending on how one is raised, it isn't so easy, even if the one you don't want to hit is trying to rip your head off, and doing a decent job of it. He's a white belt, it's part of the learning process.
Male students who take a bath in cheap after shave lotion,
Female who take a bath in cheap perfume.
He may be young, but that's still a decade and a half of ingrained chivalry that he has to learn to check at the door. Depending on how one is raised, it isn't so easy, even if the one you don't want to hit is trying to rip your head off, and doing a decent job of it. He's a white belt, it's part of the learning process.

Well, it's mostly cultural - he's from Korea. It was just so funny the night he said it, because half of my class is female, and all but one of them are teens too. He's a high yellow belt now, and still having problems with it - especially with one very gung-ho yellow belt woman who joined up a few months ago.

Let's see, other things to do to annoy people in the dojang:

Point out the food stain on the floor right after someone walks over it (there's a daycare in the room we use sometimes)
Do the Bruce Lee kiai after every basic.


Annoying things to do in the Dojo? How about being:

Originally Posted by Obliquity
My picture of him is more like a doofus. None-the-less, he is an ego-centric doofus who is not really considering the impact of his actions on others. He may truly think he is doing the right thing, but, he truly is not.
Correct everyone you work with, including the instructor :EG:.

Tell your training partners to take it easy on you because of some injury and then do the technique hard on them.
Get what you say and what it looks like your mouth is saying to to be 2 different things like any martial arts movie out of Hong Kong dubbed in English.

And say, in response to absolutely everything

“You have insulted my family and the Shaolin temple”

This will go over particularly well if you are in CMA with a Chinese Sifu.
Get what you say and what it looks like your mouth is saying to to be 2 different things like any martial arts movie out of Hong Kong dubbed in English.

And say, in response to absolutely everything

“You have insulted my family and the Shaolin temple”

This will go over particularly well if you are in CMA with a Chinese Sifu.
yeah but it'd probably be more effective if he carries a micro tape recorder and manages to hide it and hit play/pause while giving instructions... :lol: at least he can move his lip out of sync with what he's saying AND be one and half word behind what he's saying...
yeah but it'd probably be more effective if he carries a micro tape recorder and manages to hide it and hit play/pause while giving instructions... :lol: at least he can move his lip out of sync with what he's saying AND be one and half word behind what he's saying...

Actually when I trained with my first sifu another student one of his that was from China and I use to spar and he actually started doing this by thinking Chinese and speaking English (or at least that is how he described it) He and I would have these Kung Fu theater sparing matches with associated dialog.
How to annoy others.. let's see...

How about repeatedly advising the person who's a rank above you to guard their face in sparring then when they repeatedly ignore you hit them in it hard?

That annoys a few people :lol:
Do the Bruce Lee kiai after every basic.

I have a friend in class you actually does that sometimes :lol:

Keep asking to see the technique again immediately after the instructor shows it.
Especially if the uke looks like it hurts.

Wouldn't work in my school. If you ask the instructor to demonstrait a technique twice, he demonstraits it on you. Makes you pay more attention!

My own idea: Replace the water in the students' bottled water with vodka. Burn baby burn.
While sparring, get into your best movie style stance and use the "come here" gesture. Ever since the Matrix, I get one new kid a month who feels the need to do this at least once.
While sparring, get into your best movie style stance and use the "come here" gesture. Ever since the Matrix, I get one new kid a month who feels the need to do this at least once.

Easily cured by a senior belt who accepts the invitation :EG:
Morph you're evil. I knew there was a reason I liked you.

Hold the kick-sheild for a flying kick, then once the training partner is just about to take off say "no it's not right" and move the pad....
Way to go, while helping to get the student up from the floor the senior can do the same gesture back at him.
I had my training partner in an armbar. My instructor comes over and squats down facing me with his *** over my partner's face. He says, "Okay, now what you want to do is..." and rips a big fart right in my partner's face. :lol:

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