Gaining more jumping height for wushu forms



Can anyone give me any advice on how to gain more height in my jumps for my wushu forms.

I am interested in any exercises that will increase the height of my jump.

Are simple "heal raises" enough to make significant hight or should i try some kind of weight triaining program?

whats your opinion


Originally posted by wayne
Can anyone give me any advice on how to gain more height in my jumps for my wushu forms.

I am interested in any exercises that will increase the height of my jump.

Are simple "heal raises" enough to make significant hight or should i try some kind of weight triaining program?

whats your opinion


I'am no wushu expert; yet i have some knowledge of the leaping and jumping arts! I would try to incorporate hichojutsu and karumijutsu exercises in developing leg springing and calf development. Just jumping back and forth over a wire/cord etc, of reasonable height will help as well as performing the same routine over several outstretched cords. Raising the height a little to challenge yourself until you have acquired the height you desire for your routines. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
I don't know what "heal raises" are :confused:
But you could try strapping some weight to your ankles while practicing your forms

If I'm thinking of the same thing, heel raises are a simple exercise you can do with just some sort of raised platform such as a stair step. You stand on the step with only the balls and toes of your foot, the front half, keeping your heels off the step. From that position, you can use your feet to raise and lower your body making the heels come above or below the level of the step. Repeat a bunch of times. That's about all there is to that exercise.
These types of exercises are used to develop explosive power. Basically, the exercises Chiduce described could be seen as plyometric.

When doing them (the jumping over objects exercises), be sure to use the full range of movement, which means squatting down as far as possible, then exploding up and over, then coming back down as far as possible again upon landing.

Originally posted by Cthulhu

These types of exercises are used to develop explosive power. Basically, the exercises Chiduce described could be seen as plyometric.

When doing them (the jumping over objects exercises), be sure to use the full range of movement, which means squatting down as far as possible, then exploding up and over, then coming back down as far as possible again upon landing.


Your guys are correct about plyometric exercises. They are used by lots of sports that utilize jumping power ( think basketball) vertical jump .
There are lots of clinics,books and videos available . This is something you can probably teach yourself from a book or video
This stuf is scientific with body mechanics and does work.

I am not a big proponent of ankle weights so this is what I recommend for something that is less damaginng to your body
and wiill help gain some height. Plyometrics works lots of muscle groups not just the calves

Gene Gabel