Funny things said on accident


A few weeks ago my wife and I were driving. I had done something to upset her. I believe I didn't take out the trash or pay the electric bill. Whatever, it was trivial. Anyway my dear wife is telling me how she runs a tight ship and blah blah blah. I of course am acting as though I am paying attention.

She ends her statement with the following statement: "You better listen pal, I am a whipped cracker and I will have no monkey business."

Here's one I said ... recently.

I was QUITE fatigued and jet-lagged and had two beers (I rarely drink beer - heck, I rarely drink at all even though we make wine at home - small amounts only) and was nursing my third.

The conversation at the table turned to "I would have joined the military if ..." or "I joined the military because ..." you get the idea. In high school I always wanted to fly in the navy and be the first female to land a fighter plane on a carrier.

It came out like this: "I always wanted to fly fighter pilots ..."

I promptly handed my next beer over to Technopunk.
shesulsa said:
Here's one I said ... recently.

I was QUITE fatigued and jet-lagged and had two beers (I rarely drink beer - heck, I rarely drink at all even though we make wine at home - small amounts only) and was nursing my third.

The conversation at the table turned to "I would have joined the military if ..." or "I jointed the military because ..." you get the idea. In high school I always wanted to fly in the navy and be the first female to land a fighter plane on a carrier.

It came out like this: "I always wanted to fly fighter pilots ..."

I promptly handed my next beer over to Technopunk.

And I was just sitting there nodding my head as if there was nothing wrong with that sentence at all. I think I wanted to fly fighter pilots as well :rofl:
Carol Kaur said:
And I was just sitting there nodding my head as if there was nothing wrong with that sentence at all. I think I wanted to fly fighter pilots as well :rofl:

Fighter pilots or Maverick (Tom Cruise) from Top Gun.
"I went through, the danger zone!"
Speaking of fighter pilots...

For a long time I flew an online WW II air combat sim called "Warbirds" as a member of the VF-17 "Jolly Rogers."

We were preparing to participate in "scenario" and yoss, our squad CO at the time, sent out an email regarding reserving a slot on the roster.

Only the email went something like,

"If you want one of the squad sluts, you need to email me immediately."

He got quite a few requests back for that one :)

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