Funniest Ebay Feedback Ever!!


Awesome! Thanks for that. My favorite was "A+ But the kleenex you used in the packing was used; Just glad it was'nt TP!~"
Funny how this post, almost word for word is exactly the same as it is on another forum I read.

I read the feedbacks... sorry, didn't laugh... must be missing the joke/jibes.

Maybe I had to have been there. :shrug:
WOW; one use a ALL trace of human blood was gone! DA couldn't prove A THING! --- that one is a little
I thought they were funny. :D I liked the kidney ones and the *guy lives next door but insists we go through this ebay formality*. lol
I looked at his feedback received and it looks like at one of the sellers appreciated his unusual humor, he stated "received clammy handshake as payment". haha

I guess if you do a bit of "ebaying", as I do, both buying and selling, you're more likely to see the humor.
Funny, but weird...

Yeah, he's an odd one. He obviously likes to mess with people. At least he's filling out the "positive" area. I noticed many of his more recent comments have been removed by ebay. lol