Fundamental Difference - Sanda

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Fundamental difference between types of Sanda

I am not trying to say one is better than the other because I do not believe one is better than the other they both have their purpose and they are both effective and have their place in MA. But I have been re-reading a book on Sanda and I came across something in it that pretty much points out the fundamental difference between Police/Military Sanda and Sports Sanda. The difference is obvious and nothing new nor is this earth shattering information, I just like the wording and wanted to share it.

The purpose of your attack is not wining points but rather disabling your opponent so that he loses all fighting potential -- Dr Mizhou Hui

There are other differences but to me the above is the fundamental difference between the two.

Your goal in a Sanda ring (sport) is actually gaining points and making your opponent lose is fighting potentialÂ… for the moment. A knockout does that rather well and you win the fight but in general your opponent will be able to fight again and possibly beat you next time. But in the police/military version the idea of gaining points is not even considered and making your opponent lose all fighting potential can mean permanently not just for that fight.

With that said I am not saying Police/Military Sanda is “The Deadly Art” (calling it that might just make my sifu laugh) I am saying that it is not concerned about gaining points nor is it all to concerned about the opponent.

I could go on but I will not for I will likely go way off the point of this post.