Fun Drills!


Black Belt
Last night in my Kung Fu class we were doing these realy interesting drills.
One of them involved standing in a line, one beind the other. starting with the person at the front, they had to run around each person, using footwork and anything else, just trying not ot be touched by the people in the line. While I was doing this I got accidentally tripped up and as I wasn't fast enough in the beginning my instructot made me do finger tip push ups.
But after that I got quicker,! and so when you reached the end you had to shout "now" and the it was the other person's turn, plus everytime the line keeps moving forward. This is great practice for sparring and fighting as it teaches you awareness and how to evade!
Another drill we did was standing in two lines facing each other, about an arm's length. we would take turns to walk through and the people in the line s would throw punches and the person going through would have to block and evade. Then this changed to kicks. it was so much fun and really teaches you about awareness and usinf your eyes!
This is what I love about my class, theres always something different each week!
So what drills do the rest of you do?
a "fun" drill we do is 8 basic horse stances with our arms straight out to our sides... we do them bothsides, fowards and backwards. Good shoulder workout. Lots of pain.

We do a few chin-na locks and evades, trap and strikes and other such good stuff as well.
My favorite is the "Lumberjack Drill". Basically, you get a group of three; one holds a kicking sheild and the other two stand on either side looking at the shield edge on. The two take turns round kicking the shield, one with the left leg the other with the right for a specified time. Looks like two lumberjacks chopping at a tree. At the end of the time the three rotate. Sheild holder goes to kick with the right leg, right leg kicker goes to kick left leg and left leg kicker holds the sheild. This continues until everyone has been to each station a specified amount of times or until vomiting occurs. It's nice because don't get to pace, because you have to keep up with your partner. I also find that there is a little bit of competition to go faster or harder than the person opposite.
I like drills using standup bags. We put them down a line with a few feet between. My favorite is doing a jumping round kick progression as fast as you can go down the line. Left leg kicking on the right side of the bags, right leg just jumps paralllel to the line of bags. We usually go in rank so we have to keep up. 3 times each side. Right leg kicking on the left side.
We do all kinds of drills with bags. Hopping front/round, double or triple jump round, jump side with immediate jump back, double jump back, crescent, ax, punching too. It can also be done non-jumping-just sliding. Its a great cardio workout. We jump alot-Taekwondo!
One that we do that I really like is called Tiger in the Cage. the way it works is that everyone forms a circle, then one person gets in the middle and closes his/her eyes. Someone still in the circle (or an instructor) gives everyone in the circle a number. Then the person in the middle opens his/her eyes and the instructor calls off the numbers in random order. The person whose number is called attacks the person in the middle with whatever type of attack we are working (grab, punch, kick, lock/choke, etc.). I like this drill because you don't know which direction the attack is going to come from, and if the instructor is bored he might call off 2 or 3 numbers at once.

Probably my favorite is called a "lock flow drill" in which you start out by putting your partner in a lock, then he/she has 3 moves to get out of it. the twist is that they have to finnish by putting you in a lock from which you have 3 moves to escape, and so on...
Tony said:
Last night in my Kung Fu class we were doing these realy interesting drills.
One of them involved standing in a line, one beind the other. starting with the person at the front, they had to run around each person, using footwork and anything else, just trying not ot be touched by the people in the line. While I was doing this I got accidentally tripped up and as I wasn't fast enough in the beginning my instructot made me do finger tip push ups.
But after that I got quicker,! and so when you reached the end you had to shout "now" and the it was the other person's turn, plus everytime the line keeps moving forward. This is great practice for sparring and fighting as it teaches you awareness and how to evade!
Another drill we did was standing in two lines facing each other, about an arm's length. we would take turns to walk through and the people in the line s would throw punches and the person going through would have to block and evade. Then this changed to kicks. it was so much fun and really teaches you about awareness and usinf your eyes!
This is what I love about my class, theres always something different each week!
So what drills do the rest of you do?
We've done something SO similar it can't be a coincidence! We've had to walk between two lines of people who can punch and kick and defend from both sides too. I loved those kinda drills, they really show yourself how far you've got to go in your training ;)
"Technique Jeopardy"

Kids love this. Divide the kids into 2 mixed-rank teams, and line up the teams in rank order. Assign a rank-appropriate technique to the first kid in Team A, and s/he has to demonstrate that technique. If s/he demonstrates it properly, Team A gets a point. If not, the first kid in Team B gets a chance. The it's Team B's turn. In addition to techniques, you can ask questions, like "What is a stranger?" You can deduct points for bad sportsmanship (I love this). Or YOU can do the technique, and the Team has to guess it. Winning team gets a sticker.
I remember another drill we did which was really fun was throw shuttlecots at each other and use techniques to evade and pass them back with a kick or punch. And then there was this other one where everyon throws striking pads at you and you have to evade, dodge and block them.
How about a fund drill that's only fun for the instructor?

The students all gather in 2 or 3 loose lines at the end of the dojang. The master hurtles balls (hard foam) trying to hit the students at which they leave the game. If you catch a ball, no advantage, you give it back. We get to wildly jump out of the way into someone else. What do we learn? VERY LITTLE.
TigerWoman said:
How about a fund drill that's only fun for the instructor?

The students all gather in 2 or 3 loose lines at the end of the dojang. The master hurtles balls (hard foam) trying to hit the students at which they leave the game. If you catch a ball, no advantage, you give it back. We get to wildly jump out of the way into someone else. What do we learn? VERY LITTLE.

It's like dodgeball/battleball except there's no way for you to win. hahaha.
Lady horse exercises are rough... always gets my shins on fire ...

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