Full Contact Karate!


I do ENSHIN karate.

Yes we spar full contact but not at full power.

That is determined by the users.

Say me (Shodan) is sparring 1st Kyu or above then its 75-80% most nights.

If I am sparring lower grades than that then I use much less power and work on technique. Going full power in class is only going to get people hurt.

Wow, MilkManX you're on as many forums as I am, LOL (but you kept the same Tag on them)

I just started Kyokushin a little while ago and am going to be supplementing it with Goju-Ryu and Judo but I love full contact sparring, haven't done too much of it mainly Osu training so far, but I plan to compete in atleast one full contact karate tournament before I die
Kyokushin here. We do full contact in sparring too. But not all the time, and we hold back against the head. You need to condition the body in sparring to be able to fight in tournaments,. But you cannot condition the head, and if you go full contact to the body all the time, it will break down. Usually we go in hard but not all out in sparring. And when we do go full contact, it is reserved for the advanced guys.
Shotokan here has always been thought of as the full contact style, some of the best full contact fighters here have come from Shotokan.

i suppose that proves the fact thats its more the instructor or the specific club more than the actual style in a lot of cases :)

must admit other than a bit of mutual respect, during my grading, our sparring was certainly full contact! man it was fun!
We are a tournament attending dojo. We attend and prepare for tournaments every couple of months. I have yet to attend a tournament with continuous sparring, but those are the reasons why our dojo focuses mainly on point fighting.
the two "knock down" sparring tournaments I have seen I was NOT impressed by. they hit each other hard in the chest, the head was not a target, and well the techniques were not that great! perhaps it was the rules or ?? but We have 9th kyu people who fight better as far as blocking and moving and things then what I saw.

I know I would NOT do business on the street the way they were, so I have to assume at least a lot of it had to be the rules.. I hope??
the two "knock down" sparring tournaments I have seen I was NOT impressed by

From what I've seen I sort of agree. The combination of rules and mentality seems to produce really poor technique that turns into a body shot slug fest with an occasional head kick snuck in. It's fine as a sport, in that I guess any set of rules that people want to adapt and play with, is fine for them... but the practicality just seems lost. In that way it reminds me a lot of TKD tournaments, where you see the guys bobbing around with arms dangling at their side while they spin kick all day long... fine as a sport if that's what you enjoy doing, but at the same time appears really silly if your brain gets any thought of it being a "fight".
We go full contact with but we also wear bogu. If we take the opponent down we punch the ground beside their head and we try not to hit each other in the groin as a courtesy.
We also do mid-contact (participant's discretion) with grappling and we do it without bogu because it's awkward to grapple in the gear.
We also do some light continuous sparring with the underbelts and everyone does some one step sparring.

Full contact is a real rush, especially at a tourney. There's nothing like getting knocked out of the ring by a sidekick, it's like a ride at the carnival.