fresh meat here


White Belt
"fresh meat" being a common term used in roller derby...of which i trained in for about 10 months before I decided to try my hand (no pun intended) at martial arts. here's the skinny:
i've been attending a local tae kwon do (jido kwan style) class 3x a week since this past november. I just got my yellow belt last week.
i've always been in pretty good shape due to years of on and off endurance training as well as practicing ashtanga yoga (which seems to compliment my martial arts training rather well fyi).
A local roller derby team formed in my town and somehow i ended up training with them. i loved to roller skate, i really hated being aggro.
After a year of training i was not getting "to the next level" of what it takes to do derby. i was still saying 'excuse me" when i knocked someone down haha.
i realised that roller derby was not going to be the way that i tap into my inner warrior so to speak (that sounds kind of gay but i cant think of a better term at the moment).
i have always been interested in learning some form of martial art and so i decided to take a leave of absence from derby and take up tae kwon do.
Originally I thought i would take TKD for a few months to sort of cross train myself for derby (my schedule does not permit both).
Over the last few months I have fallen in love with TKD. Seriously.
I can't believe it has taken me this long to get my butt to a dojang.
But "better late than never" they say and here I am.
If there is a technical word for someone who is addicted to information, I would be it. Seriously. I've been googling my brains out on everything pertaining to TKD and martial arts in general (which is how i found this site)
I really look forward to learning from the other members here as well as getting advice/feedback on issues/questions I may have.
I ask a lot of questions.
I'm really honored to have the opportunity to learn.
I'm sort of wordy if you havent figured that out yet.
Good to have you with us, supern. If it's info you're after, and a place for what our UK members would call a 'good chin-wag', you've come to the right place! :)
I'll echo the greetings and second Exile's comments above.

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