Free DVD Download by Dan Anderson

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Hi All,

This is the link to the FREE DVD download.
This is in appreciation for all your support over the last 11 years that I have been selling books and DVDs over the internet.

The DVD is "The 50th Anniversary of the Founding of Modern Arnis Commemorative DVD". This DVD contains the material I taught at the The 50th Anniversary of the Founding of Modern Arnis training camp in Dortmund, Germany in 2007. In I teach sections on movement, anyo (forms/kata) application, power development, and Modern Arnis signature throws.

1. Click the BUY NOW button
2. Click the ADD TO CART button
3. Click the CHECKOUT button

That will send me an email informing me of your "purchase." I will process it on my end. Once I have done so you will receive an email with the webpage on it and at the bottom of the page, there will be a link to click for your download.

This is a big file so even if you have broadband, it will take a little while for it to download.


Dan Anderson
Here are the instructions I posted in Facebook:

A. You go to this link
and order the download. On the payment option be sure to mark "Check/Money order". If you are not already registered as a customer, do so. It will then return you to the same page and then you enter your email and password in the "Returning customer" section and you can proceed.
B. You get an email saying it is pending.
C. I receive a notice that your order is pending.
D. I go to my site and change your pending notice to processing.
E. You should get an email that states your order is "processing"
F. You click on the link which is after "Detailed invoice:"
G. This takes you to a page where you scroll down to where it says Download links
H. Right below that it will have the title of the video: 50th Anniversary of the Founding
of Modern Arnis DVD
I. THAT is the link you click on to get the video.

I am currently working on a possible simplified method of ordering this video because I want 100% satisfaction.

PS - I got the next video to convert for a free download. This is a 1983 instructional video I made and has 4-5 matches on it including a match with Steve "Nasty" Anderson. I'll let you know when I get it up for you.