MAISC DVD Set Released!

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Hi All,

Here's a quick heads up to let you now that the Modern Arnis International Summer Camp 8-DVD set is now on the market. This DVD set is priced incredibly low at $99.00. This is the best bang for your buck. Featured instructors include:

Master Samuel "Bambit Dulay" - technical director of International Modern Arnis Federation Philippines
Datu Shishir Inocalla - IMAF & 1st Datu appointed by Prof. Remy Presas
Datu Dieter Knuttel - Chief Instructor of DAV (Germany)
Bram Frank - Common Sense Self Defense/Street Combat
Master Robert Quinn - 5th Degree Black Belt Modern Arnis, Atlanta, Georgia
Dan Anderson - 6th Degree Black Belt/Senior Master Modern Arnis
Sensei Doug Perry - special guest instructor & 8th dan Shorin-ryu Karate-do

Go to this link for ordering information:

This will be the next best thing to actually having been there.

Dan Anderson

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