Found my New Martial Art!

Sounds like great value to me!!
I tried to sign up but just got the following message:
Form processing failed

The form you submitted has not been processed. Reason as follows:

Sioux(TM) 3.4 Web server CGI script exception: 0104d Service revoked 0188E* Client account suspended (id=agv name="Arthur Gannet (Violence) Ltd") 0188E- 0188E- Finance department note :- 0188E- We have been unable to contact Mr Gannet for over two months . 0188E- If anyone knows the whereabouts of Mr Gannet please contact 0188E- the SlaterNet accounts department urgently as his account is 0188E- overdue for payment --tjs

SlaterNet Web Hosting Services

Can anyone please help me find Mr Gannet 'coz I'd really like to try his system. I really fancy the outfit!!
Where on earth did you find this??

I must say I appreciate the candor though ...


Because THE most likely kind OF person TO answer THIS sort OF advertisement HAS less trouble under-STANDING words if they ARE written in [SIZE=+1]BIG[/SIZE] letters.

THIS guy must HAVE had AN absolUTE blast writing THIS!!!!!!!!


HE FORGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOTS OF EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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being of welsh descent on my mother's side, i approve of this message.

also, tom jones rules.

This looks very much like an old Monty Python bit I read in one of their books back in the 1970's. A friend of mine got this Monty Python book with the scripts from a number of their sketches in it, plus some new material. One of the new bits was about a Welsh martial art. This could be it, or a take off on it. I had forgotten all about that.


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