Forum Editing in progress

Ya know....when I put up the possible colors, that shade of blue got most of the was only -after- I had them done that Gou (despite months of opportunitys) choose to say anything...

I am sorely tempted to dig out photoshop, and put Gou in a powder-blue MT babydoll! :D

I'm glad Dot at least likes hers. :) Thank you.
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Ya know....when I put up the possible colors, that shade of blue got most of the was only -after- I had them done that Gou (despite months of opportunitys) choose to say anything...

I am sorely tempted to dig out photoshop, and put Gou in a powder-blue MT babydoll! :D

I'm glad Dot at least likes hers. :) Thank you.

Now that would be a fundraiser!!! Gou in a babydoll!
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
I am sorely tempted to dig out photoshop, and put Gou in a powder-blue MT babydoll! :D

Oh Yah Do IT!!!! I'll even provide the picture. ;)

It is a money maker either way, Gou may pay a lot of money to stop the pic from being published, or a lot of people will pay to have a pic of Gou in a babydoll.
I haven't run into any snags. If I do I'll let ya know-

very easy on the eyes, too. I usually dim down the monitor and this is a bit more friendly. (IMHFO)
Hey, I was never asked to sit on the t-shirt comittee.

As far as me in a babydoll I have to remind you I have legal recourse for sure defemation of character without my consent.

But mostly I just don't want Joe Foster printing off the picture to do god-knows-what with it.

I'll spin the tee shirt topic off to a new thread....

So, hows everything on the redesign looking? I think I've gotten all the bugs out, and can add the couple tweaks I've had suggested in shortly.

Main page really looks sharp--but I am still a bit concerned that there may be too many buttons.
Originally posted by arnisador
Main page really looks sharp--but I am still a bit concerned that there may be too many buttons.

I'd move them more centre page cuz it kinda stretches the page now :(
It's supposed to be a dynamic thing (Ie will fit your screen if its over 800 pixels wide). I gotta check with a few more browsers.

Buttons.... I'll be adding in at least 2 more options soon. That should finalize things for this particular revamp.

Its a 3 tier design -
Immediate member links
Special Features

Keep the feedback coming. :)

Thank you!