I'd like to take this opportunity on behalf of the Martial Talk Staff to welcome everyone to the EPAK Forum. This is going to be a strongly moderated forum. Please be patient as over the course of the next few days I will be copying threads from the other sections of the board and paring the non-content down. If there is a thread in another forum you think should be here, PM or E-Mail me and I will look into it. We will also be creating an online EPAK Dictionary/Encyclopedia. If you have an entry you think viable, please send it to Seig@martialtalk.com I will look at it, verify it (through sources when necessary), edit it, compile and update on a weekly basis. Most of the editing will be for spelling and grammar. I may even as McRobertson to help out with that part as I am not an English professor. The dictionary/encyclopedia will be viewable by all but postable only by Mr. Billings and myself.