Forrest Griffin: UFC's cussing, anti-role model

Clark Kent

<B>News Bot</B>
11-20-2009 06:20 PM:
Tito Ortiz may be a better trash-talker but Forrest Griffin is a better quote. The quotes are rarely about his fighting or career, but they're still classics. This discussion on why he curses so often is dynamite.

"I don't know why I cuss so much. I'm around gyms all the time. Damn, dirty apes," Griffin told the gathered media at UFC 106 workout day.

He told the scribes that his bad language gave him an idea for his next book:

"The preface of my new book is 'My mother told me when I was a kid that cussing is a sign of low intelligence and low vocabulary. Well, [expletive] her.' I don't care. Maybe I have low intelligence and low vocabulary."

The discussion turned to whether you can be a role model with a filthy mouth. Could Phil Baroni fill that role:

Griffin laughed and said, "I don't want to be like Phil Baroni. Would you want your kids to be like Phil Baroni? Maybe I should quit cussing."

Yahoo! Sports.
Cagewriter is an MMA blog edited by Steve Cofield.

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