

MTS Alumni
What type of forms are being practiced here? I was interested to see in another thread that we had different ideas on forms and we were doing different types. I had practiced the ITF hyungs.
Dan Gun
In my style of TKD we do the old palgay's (aka palgwe) 1-8 and then there are many more you learn once you because a black belt. I don't know what they are yet though, I'm only a green belt. :shrug: :D

I think my style also includes some Karate kata's, Chinese forms and Japanese forms for the black belts at different levels.
I train in WTF style Taekwondo, so far I've learned the following: Gibon poomse, Taegeuk Il Jang thru Pal Jang (1-8), Koryo, and I've started learning the Palgwe forms (1 - 8). In addition to these I'll also need to know Geum-gahng poomse and a stick/staff poomse in order to advance to 2nd dan BB. Fun stuff... :asian:
I already listed my forms in a post on the Korean Martial Arts forum. (Was that the one you were referring to?)

I posted there in the hopes of getting some feedback from some TSD and Karate people, but I haven't had too much luck with feedback. I guess Chung Do Kwan has become unique.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
What type of forms are being practiced here? I was interested to see in another thread that we had different ideas on forms and we were doing different types. I had practiced the ITF hyungs.
Dan Gun

I'm doing the same ones!:asian:
Originally posted by Zepp
I already listed my forms in a post on the Korean Martial Arts forum. (Was that the one you were referring to?)

I posted there in the hopes of getting some feedback from some TSD and Karate people, but I haven't had too much luck with feedback. I guess Chung Do Kwan has become unique.

Sorry, I don't believe I visited the Korean forum before.
Originally posted by RCastillo
I'm doing the same ones!:asian:

Wait a minute!!:confused: Castillo are you trying to tell me that I'm walking the same path you have.:eek: walked already? Is this what you have forseen and why I should join your group and complete the training?:asian:
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Wait a minute!!:confused: Castillo are you trying to tell me that I'm walking the same path you have.:eek: walked already? Is this what you have forseen and why I should join your group and complete the training?:asian:

Correct, my young Jedi, the powers are strong with you!

Your vision is growing stroner, the Goldendragon has forseen this!:cool:
ITF forms
starting with
4 direction punch/block(sajjo jirugi/maggi(sp??))
do san
etc etc
Originally posted by Klondike93
I did the Chon-Ji forms, well I still do them every now and then.

I still practice the forms on occassion to take a break of constant head beating of the kenpo forms. It's nice to take a break for a moment.;)
Originally posted by RCastillo
Correct, my young Jedi, the powers are strong with you! Your vision is growing stronGer, the Goldendragon has forseen this!:cool:

Yes, and I am watching you as well..... We are driving all the bad habits and movements out!!

A trip to Kenpo mecca wil be needed soon.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Yes, and I am watching you as well..... We are driving all the bad habits and movements out!!

A trip to Kenpo mecca wil be needed soon.

Hmmmm, the trip to the Kenpo Fortress in Scottsdale?:eek:
I do forms similar to the ITF forms. However, our school practices them as taught by Jhoon Rhee, without the sine-wave.

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