The instructor trained in the Tracy system in New York, earned his black belt, instructed. He then moved to Virginia, started at white belt in the Universal system (yes, they made him start from white) earned his black belt, instructed. He left the Universal system and 95% of the students in our kwoon followed him. He redid the curriculum to match his Tracy training rather closely and blended in some of the Universal style (nothing earth shattering, pretty much a lot of the same stuff I've seen at Shaolin schools) and there you have the system... so.... no it's not EPAK but it isn't really pure Tracy system either. He isn't exactly creating a new system, just trying to take the best of everything he has learned and pass it on to the students. I asked about the salutation because I really enjoy the formallity of forms and the salutation seemed like something that we might want to add (at least in the kwoon). Thanks for the link.
If anyone else has experienced the same situation that I've described above I'd like to hear about it. So far I am much happier with the new system as it really gives us a chance to explore alot of different avenues of approach to each move.