Phil Elmore
Master of Arts
Dear Doctor Endwell,
Ive been bleeding out of my eyes for about six months now. Its starting to worry me. Should I see someone?
Going Pale in Jersey
Am I the only person who is disturbed by those write-in doctor columns in the newspaper? Ive reached the point where I dont dare even read the headlines on these for fear that Ill hear about yet another exotic ailment about which I never even knew to be worried before. Every week, people whose skin is mysteriously sloughing off their bodies are writing to ask if theres anything unusual about that. Housewives are bursting into flame and writing to ask if theres an herbal supplement that soothes the burning. Office temps from the Midwest are sending letters, curious to know if having pens lodged in their skulls is something that can be fixed at home without bothering to bill their insurance.
More worrisome than these people who apparently cant figure out, without the help of a mail-in medical columnist, whether they should see their doctor when theyve been struck repeatedly by lightning or bitten on their faces by rattlesnakes, are the people for whom television medical commercials are targeted.
Zoboflax is not for everyone. If you have kidney failure, a serious heart condition, terminal cancer, or a space alien living inside your sternum, tell your doctor.
Shouldnt your doctor already KNOW about these things? I mean, who goes to their doctor and says, "Doc, I was watching Friends the other night, and during the commercial break I was informed that I should ask you if Zoboflax is right for me. Oh, by the way, my immune system isnt normal because Im dying. I thought that might be relevant."
Frankly, when I go to my doctor, Im not about to give him any ideas. I see visits to my doctor as a kind of game in which I test his ability TO KNOW WHAT MIGHT BE KILLING ME without my input. Thats why he went to school, right? If I have an alien living inside my sternum, I figure its his job to pick up on that -- and its also his job to prescribe something that I dont have to tell him about.
"Gosh, Mr. Elmore, youve got an alien."
"Yes, I was wondering when youd notice."
"Id prescribe something, but to be honest, Im fresh out of ideas."
"How about Zoboflax? Is it right for me?"