for Kumdo practitioners

Erik H

Yellow Belt
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
Hello again guys,

I recently did an exhaustive search for sword arts school in my area and I have found a school that teaches Haidong Gumdo. I am really excited about it but not getting my hopes up yet, so this is directed to any practitioners of this art. I know a little bit about the art BUT I need to know what I am possibly getting myself into here. ANY info would be appreciated.

Erik H
Is this school associated with the US Haidong Gumdo Association? I don't know anything about this art, and cannot give you any more information. It would be a good idea to pay the school a visit, watch a few classes, and ask the instructors a LOT of questions.

You are doing your homework, which is also a very good thing. Good luck in your search. :)
The Korean swordwork I do is part of a Korean style I study, so I can't say I'm a Haidong Gumdo practitioner, but I can say this: prepare to focus a lot on basic stances, basic drawing and resheathing and basic cutting movements to begin with.

Though the movements appear simple, you'd be surprised how much that sword can wiggle and how tired your legs will be.

Swordlady's advice is spot-on: Go ask if you may audit the class once or twice, ask a lot of questions and read up on some of the traditional art protocol and manners. It is highly likely they will be tantamount to your training.

If you have problems locating that information, just ask. I can help to some degree.
well, I have talked to the gentleman who teaches it ( korean by the way) and he is going to let me watch and possibly do the introductory month free class. Seems pretty legit and he said he has another school in another location around here but it's a little far from me. It's a Tang Soo Do class but he teaches Gumdo at different times. Anyway, thanks for the replies.

Erik H
Hey, Erik!

If you have previous experience in kendo, you will find haidong gumdo significantly different. The focus is more on forms and actual cutting, with applications to battlefield situations, as opposed to one-on-one sparring.

You are doing the best thing possible by visiting the actual school and speaking with your possible future instructor. That will give you the best feel for 'is this school right for me?'.

If you need more information on haidong gumdo, please try the top half of this link list. Also, please feel free to post back with the location of the school. It's a small enough community that I might have heard of or know something about the specifics.
OK, I checked it out and I was somewhat impressed with it. The instructor was very good. All his movements were sharp and precise however his students (only 2) were sloppy and unfocused. His higher belt student acted like he was swinging a baseball bat. I talked to him about it and the price for everything is expensive so I think I'll stick to my nunchaku from here on out. Anyway for those who have an interest in it it is worth checking out.

Erik H
well, I have talked to the gentleman who teaches it ( korean by the way) and he is going to let me watch and possibly do the introductory month free class. Seems pretty legit and he said he has another school in another location around here but it's a little far from me. It's a Tang Soo Do class but he teaches Gumdo at different times. Anyway, thanks for the replies.

Erik H

Is the Tang Soo Do school associated with the Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan Assoc. Inc. by any chance? If so I would highly recommend them...The Mi Guk Kwan actually has Haidong Gumdo in the curriculum starting at samdan, and our HQ is an official Haidong Gumdo school ;-)
having a great instructor or learning material is great, but noone is stoping you from learning on your own. nunchaku is great. one of the best weapons for training. also a great suplement to training arms for sword arts or unarmed strikes. something about that centripital/centrifugal spinning....of course nunchaku is similar to other flexible weapons and chains. also challenging is working two chuks in unicin or independantly.

my advice, learn as much from the sword as possible. the sword could be seen as a very reliable teacher. the laws of the sword encompass all combat arts. focus on body movements, training the toes feet legs and tanjen. i think with the sword there is life, then there is this thin line and on the other side is death.

i don't know enough about korean sword arts however i have seen some things that led me to believe it was very close to japanese style iaido or kenjutsu. whatever the case, styles aside, a sword is a sword...i have read once that in the past, korea had some very effective swordarts including twosworded styles.

i would be happy to learn more about korean arts.

So, have you visited the class by now? if so what did you think?

Be careful if the school makes you sign a contract. In my experience whenever I have had to sign a contract it was very much a business endever. When the teacher accepted the fee payble monthly it was more a school.