For all veterans and those still serving!


MTS Alumni
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 07:41:34 -0600

Dear Civilians,

We know that the current state of affairs in our great
nation have many civilians up in arms and excited to
join the military.
For those of you who can't join, you can still lend a
hand. Here are a few of the areas we would like your
assistance with:

1.) The next time you see an adult talking during the
playing of the National anthem.....kick their ***.
2.) When you witness firsthand someone burning the
American Flag in protest...kick their ***.
3.) Regardless of the rank they held while they
served, pay the highest amount of respect to all
veterans. If you see anyone doing otherwise, quietly
pull them aside and explain how these Veterans fought
for the very freedom they bask in every second.
Enlighten them on the many sacrifices these Veterans
made to make this Nation great. Then hold them down
while the Veteran kicks their ***.
4.) If you are not in the military, DO NOT pretend
that you are. Wearing battle dress uniforms (BDU's),
telling others that you used to be "Special Forces,"
and collecting GI Joe memorabilia might have been okay
if you were still seven, but now it will only get your
*** kicked. (Veterans are exempt from this rule)
5.) If you witness someone calling an enlisted Marine
"Sir," stand back.....a Marine will kick their ***.
6.) Next time you come across an Air Force member, do
not ask them "Do you fly a jet?" Not everyone in the
Air Force is a pilot. Such ignorance deserves an ***
kickin (children are exempt).
7.) Roseanne Barr's singing of the National Anthem is
not a was a disgrace and disrespectful.
Laugh, and sooner or later your *** will be kicked.
8.) Next time Old Glory prances by during a parade,
get on your damn feet and pay homage to her by placing
your hand over your heart and quietly thank the
military member or veteran lucky enough to be carrying
her......of course, failure to do either of those will
earn you a severe *** kicking.
9.) What Jane Fonda did during the Vietnam War makes
her the enemy. The proper word to describe her is
"traitor." . . . Hate her or else - asses will be
10.) Don't try to discuss politics with a military
member or a veteran. We are Americans and we all bleed
the same regardless of our party affiliation. Our
Chain of Command, to include our Commander in
Chief...the President... (for those who didn't know)
is all that we acknowledge. We have no inside track on
what happens inside those big important buildings
where all those "representatives" meet. All we know is
that when those civilian representatives screw up the
situation, they call upon the military to go
straighten it out. The military member might direct
you to Oliver North.
(I can see him kicking your *** already.)
11.) "Your mama wears combat boots" never made sense
to me.... stop saying it! If she did, she would most
likely kick your ***!
12.) Bin Laden and the Taliban are not communists, so
stop saying, "Let's go kill those Commie's!!!" And
stop asking us where he is!!!! Crystal balls are not
standard issue in the military. That reminds me ... if
you see anyone calling those damn psychic phone
numbers; let me know, so I can go kick their ***.
13.) Last but not least, whether or not you become a
member of the military, support our troops and their
families. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas that you
enjoy with family and friends please remember that
there are, literally, thousands of troops overseas
wishing they could be with their families.

Thank God for our military and the sacrifices they
make every day.

Without them, our country would get it's *** kicked.
Way to post!!

I was not in the military, but my brother is. He served actively as a Ranger for a number of years, and is currently serving stateside. His job, like that of all other members of the armed forces, is not, and has not been, an easy one. This is doubly true in times of stress. Both of my grandfathers served in WWII, and my father served in the Vietnam era. Thanks to them, and others like them, I am able to enjoy the freedoms that I do.

I have my disagreements with the government from time to time, and I have my gripes like anyone else. However, I have been a number of other places and seen what the alternatives are, both politically and economically. Americans have it good. REAL good. We enjoy a number of things that many others don't. Unfortunately, these things have come at a pretty hefty price. The people that have paid that price (with their lives and with their service) deserve high respect. So does our flag. Amen to your post, brother!!

To those "citizens" that think America sucks, why are you living here? Get yerself some air fare somewhere else, and quit yer yappin'. To those who want to burn or otherwise disgrace the flag, well, watch yer a**, cuz it's gonna get kicked.....

Sorry for the rant...;)

I also may disagree with what my goverment dose at times but I stand behide it and more than that I stand behind those who prodly serve it. I don't care if they dig latriens or if they are on the front line they deserve our respect.
I'm kind of predudice on this one and I addmit it. When I watch the television and watch people who are the guests of this country (Students and those here on visa's) burn the Flag or protest when our troops go into action I have some verry strong reactions. The least of which may be to put them back on a Plane, boat, or have them walk back acrtoos the border but send them to hell out of this country. If they want to be here and take advantage of our hospitality they can danm well support THIS country.
AS I said I get a little hot on this topic at times. My remarks are mine and Mine alone.

AKA Shadow
Years ago when I was serveing my country one of the boys (hell we where all boys) I was in boot camp with was the son of an ambasador of a forgin goverment. NO he did not have to serve in our army he had immunity because of his family status, but he wanted to go to college here and he enjoyed the American way of life. He not only reported for the military when called he refused to let his "papers" be Flaged (as some VIPS are). This young man gained my respect and that of all who served with him.
He also gave his life so that others could enjoy what he fought for.

My grandfather is a WWII veteran... he said something interesting to me when I asked him how he reacted to his son (my dad, who was a young republican) marrying a liberal vietnam war protestor (my mom...I still have NO idea how the heck that one happened, but that's beside the point). My grandpa said: "Now, you see, I may not agree with your mother's political associations, but that's what it means to be an American. It means that we have the right to disagree with each other. And although I may not agree with some of the things your mom says, it was my job to go out and fight to defend her right to say it. The right to say what you think is what America is all about."

My grandfather and I disagree on many things, but he taught me to always keep an open mind, and to listen, even though I may not agree. Things like flag burning have been reaffirmed many times as a constitutional right by our supreme court. Even though I may not like it, as long as the protest is peaceful, they have a right to do it... but pardon me if I drag out the super soakers. A little water never hurt anyone.


Freedom of speech and expression is every American's right. Not a privilege, a *right*, guaranteed and protected.

I agree with the quote, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".

*However*......I would also caution against biting the hand that feeds you. I think it is wrong and HIGHLY paradoxical to rant and rave about what a lousy country this is if you are benefitting from its freedoms. The CEO of our company put it pretty well when she said, "If you grumble about the way the company is working, or how the company treats you, then you shouldn't be cashing the paychecks, either". I think that is a joke. If you live here, feel protected by the laws, and enjoy the standard of living, then you really shouldn't be complaining about how bad things are here.

Again, *however*........this *is* a democracy. People have the right and the duty to change the way things are done. There is a proper avenue for this change. Burning flags and painting nazi signs on things is not the way to do it. That riles people up, flares emotions, and dampens intellectual and legal discussion. Have an opinion? Speak up. Don't like the way things work? Work to change them. That's your right.

Yeah, so is burning the flag. And I'll still fight to defend someone's right to do that, since it is freedom of speech. However, I won't *agree* with it, and I will caution against it in every instance. I don't see demeaning what others sacrificed for and what others hold sacred as the way to get anything but yelled at or whooped on in return.

And before I get flamed for this......No, I didn't say that *I* would whup someone's rear for burning the flag in a previous post.....I just said that it would get kicked.....I think there is no shortage of "kickers" to make the "kickee" want to think twice.....;)

Short and sweet; walk it like you talk it. If you don't like the job, don't keep taking the paycheck. If you don't like the country, move to another one and burn the flag there. Please. Like nightingale said......I'll defend your right to burn the flag here.....but I'll hose it down before it burns more than a little....'cuz that's MY right...;)


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