For All The Taekwondo Bashers The Real Truth On Taekwondo From My View

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Matt Stone said:
So in a bar fight situation, you'll still attempt a head kick? Silly rabbit, such tricks are likely to get you stomped... :rolleyes:

I prefer kicking the bicep. Possibly the eye tooth.

If it is the technique I'm thinking of, it is an inefficient use of movement to effect what amounts to a total committment technique. If you miss, or you are too small to effect your opponent... :idunno:

Sounds a lot like the feared "stumble" more than any technique I've ever learned. I've heard of recovering balance before moving. Never heard of falling from one position to another...

On sine wave, he is right in one respect. It was largely misunderstood when it was introduced. People thought the dropping motion was supposed to replace using the hips to generate power etc. It tends to be employed with a better biomechanical understanding now than it was a few years back, or when it was introduced. So I would argue that it's usually misunderstood due to the perceptions of the folsk that first saw it, said "that's stupid" and left the org rather than practice SW at all. Regardless of how its trained, it tends to vanish during sparring sessions etc.

Sure it does. That's why even in TKD point sparring tournaments hand and foot techniques carry equal weight in points value, right? Oh, that's right, they don't...

To be fair, ITF standards do weight punches far more fairly than olympic sparring rules do.

Only one? Wow. Nine years and the best you can find in your forms is one whole "nerve strike" in one form, and a basic one at that. Scary. :idunno:

There are more.

Eh, not really interested in arguing either way given how embarassing to TKD the initial post was.
So in a bar fight situation, you'll still attempt a head kick? Silly rabbit, such tricks are likely to get you stomped... :rolleyes:

What I meant to say was I dont kick above the solar plexus not below.The only reason I kick that high is because I am flexible and I can kick quickly and still hit hard
kwon 17 said:
Well only one thing in that statement was true and that was when you said I was a teen,In fact I am 17 going on 18.
Um, not to pile on, but I just checked your profile, and you list your birthdate as January 30, 1983. Bad math, bad memory, or typo? By the way, if it's a typo and your year of birth is 1988, you're really pushing that "going on 18" thing.
Just an observation. Welcome to Martial Talk.
kwon 17 said:
Damn Matt don't you think It was kind of rude for you to say that what I learned was ******** when you never even seen my physical skill or mental skill in Taekwon Do

Your physical skill means little if the foundation it is based on is flawed. A house may very well look sturdy and aesthetically pleasing, but if it is built on a fault line prone to frequent earthquakes those looks will mean little when the big one hits.

Your making it seem as if I train at one of those mcdojangs that you see everywhere in the U.S.

I never said that. Check what I wrote. What I did point out were the flaws in your arguement. I work in the legal field as a military paralegal. It's my job to point out inconsistencies and errors of logic. That's all I did with your post...

If you were to see me an action you'd surely be proved wrong.I mean I do take pride in what I learn obviously,If i didn't care I wouldn't of (and it is "wouldn't have," not "wouldn't of.") made an attempt to type the stuff that you read and dissaproved of.

Of course you care. I pointed that out earlier. I also pointed out that, like many people in different situations (religion being one of them), you've been indoctrinated from an early age to believe that TKD is something that it may well not be. What I said was that this presents you with a wonderful opportunity to further your own education, by asking questions and getting answers (either from others or on your own).

Believe me, if it were my intent to be rude, there'd be no question whatsoever...
Matt Stone said:
Your physical skill means little if the foundation it is based on is flawed. A house may very well look sturdy and aesthetically pleasing, but if it is built on a fault line prone to frequent earthquakes those looks will mean little when the big one hits.

I never said that. Check what I wrote. What I did point out were the flaws in your arguement. I work in the legal field as a military paralegal. It's my job to point out inconsistencies and errors of logic. That's all I did with your post...

Of course you care. I pointed that out earlier. I also pointed out that, like many people in different situations (religion being one of them), you've been indoctrinated from an early age to believe that TKD is something that it may well not be. What I said was that this presents you with a wonderful opportunity to further your own education, by asking questions and getting answers (either from others or on your own).

Believe me, if it were my intent to be rude, there'd be no question whatsoever...
Thanks for being cool and trying to help me with my own errors and I am sorry for taking it the way I did.

And one more thing is there anyway you could close this thread
kwon 17 said:
Thanks for being cool and trying to help me with my own errors and I am sorry for taking it the way I did.

I'm 20 years older than you, and started training before you were born. I'm just helping out the way my seniors would have, and do, help me. It doesn't have to be "nicey-nicey," and it doesn't have to sound good, either. Bitter medicine is often the most helpful...

And one more thing is there anyway you could close this thread

I'm neither a mod nor admin. There's no reason to close it, that I can see. I'm still interested in your attempting to rewrite your arguement...
Matt Stone said:
I'm 20 years older than you, and started training before you were born. I'm just helping out the way my seniors would have, and do, help me. It doesn't have to be "nicey-nicey," and it doesn't have to sound good, either. Bitter medicine is often the most helpful...

I'm neither a mod nor admin. There's no reason to close it, that I can see. I'm still interested in your attempting to rewrite your arguement...
Hey even I am surprised that I am being so nice,after reading the past statements I made I fell like a nut.
There's no point in writing it over from my perspective.Even if I did make an attempt it wouldn't justify much. I don't even care about the tkd bashers anymore they say what they want to say. I am smart enough to know that the art I have been doing for the past 9 years works for me in combat.
kwon 17 said:
There's no point in writing it over from my perspective.

Why is that? Please explain...

Even if I did make an attempt it wouldn't justify much.

Well, if that is how you feel, run with it... The world is certainly better off by your complacency and refusal to fight for what you believe in.

I don't even care about the tkd bashers anymore they say what they want to say.

And no matter what you say, no matter what you write, no matter how hard you work against the tide of those who would stand against you, they will still continue to believe whatever they like. Isn't the point not the victory, but the fight itself? Just curious...

I am smart enough to know that the art I have been doing for the past 9 years works for me in combat.

And Custer was smart enough to know he had the Indians outnumbered...
kwon 17 said:
From screaming at full tilt, to a cryptic message. Truely this is a dizzying intellect.
I'll stick to the superior art that US TKD has stolen so much from.
Tae Kwon Leep.

I am a Master of "Boot to the Head".

Ed Gruberman.

Anyhow, Kwon ol boy.
You claim to be 17.
And that your art has worked in "Combat"
How long did you serve, what branch, what unit, etc?
Or, do you mean you know enough to impress your friends with some trophies? Whoooo. That tourny circuit, heavy combat there. Almost as bad as Catholic school I hear.
Sorry screaming lad, but at 17, unless you're living in someplace like Iraq or Bosnia, it's highly unlikely you've seen combat. XBox don't count, sorry.
Moderator Note.
Please keep the discussion at a mature, respectful level. Please review our sniping policy. Feel free to use the Ignore feature to ignore members whose posts you do not wish to read (it is at the bottom of each member's profile). Thank you.

-G Ketchmark / shesulsa
-MT Senior Moderator-
Kwon17, sorry you got off on such a bad footing. There are a lot of people here at MT that will be more than happy to render assistance with your journey in the martial arts. What you have already experienced, just file it under lessons learned. Not to belabor the issue, but one of your statements addressed the aspect of close-mindedness. Just remember, that can and many times is a two way street.

If I may, I would like to ask a question. Have you ever looked at, visited, other schools / styles in your area? If you haven't, I would certainly look into doing so. I would however, make it a point to go to a school that is primarily interested in self defense. My personal recommendation would be to look at Hapkido. You would find that your kicking skills will still be of great value, but you will find a much different mindset that what you currently embrace.

Anyhow, Kwon ol boy.
You claim to be 17.
And that your art has worked in "Combat"
How long did you serve, what branch, what unit, etc?
Or, do you mean you know enough to impress your friends with some trophies? Whoooo. That tourny circuit, heavy combat there. Almost as bad as Catholic school I hear.
Sorry screaming lad, but at 17, unless you're living in someplace like Iraq or Bosnia, it's highly unlikely you've seen combat. XBox don't count, sorry.[/QUOTE

Beetween me and you I can count me being in atleast 3 real life on the street encounters, and as far as injuries go the most I came out with was a bruisedshin.My first encounter was when I was 15 and walking from school,I had to go through a rough neighborhood in philly where I came arcoss 3 gang members part of the Latin Kings.While they walked passed me I heard one member say "yo theres a body come on lets take em".I then put my senses up then I continued walking.When I got halfway down the block, 1 member ran at me with a trashcan,but come one whats a trashcan to do.I sidesteped and gave him a turning kick right to the stomach and he buckled where I then gave him a knee to the chest.As the other two watched at a distance I braced myself waiting for both or 1 to attack.Both ran at me with there fist
and I side kicked 1 to the gut and then hooked kick the other to the face dropping both of them.The 1 other encounter evolved road rage where we exchanged words and the other is a fight that broke out at a club in philly called 923.

I have been a 2nd degree black belt since January and at my school we go to torneys mostly once a year.Oh,and 1 more thing I barely play games.
Brad Dunne said:
Kwon17, sorry you got off on such a bad footing. There are a lot of people here at MT that will be more than happy to render assistance with your journey in the martial arts. What you have already experienced, just file it under lessons learned. Not to belabor the issue, but one of your statements addressed the aspect of close-mindedness. Just remember, that can and many times is a two way street.

If I may, I would like to ask a question. Have you ever looked at, visited, other schools / styles in your area? If you haven't, I would certainly look into doing so. I would however, make it a point to go to a school that is primarily interested in self defense. My personal recommendation would be to look at Hapkido. You would find that your kicking skills will still be of great value, but you will find a much different mindset that what you currently embrace.

I also do bjj and boxing and I don't have a reason to to visit other schools.I do bjj and boxing because it's interesting.
Sir no disrepect here but some of these folks are lending a hand that you are asking for, but yet you always have something negative to say like in the previous post. Why are you so angry with the world and before you critisize me look at my years and my rank and if you are about respect for the Art we love, you will hold yourself with the respect your teacher has given you over your seven years in the art of TKD. Please do not lump your attitude toward these men your Master would not appreciate it at all.

Terry Lee Stoker
terryl965 said:
Sir no disrepect here but some of these folks are lending a hand that you are asking for, but yet you always have something negative to say like in the previous post. Why are you so angry with the world and before you critisize me look at my years and my rank and if you are about respect for the Art we love, you will hold yourself with the respect your teacher has given you over your seven years in the art of TKD. Please do not lump your attitude toward these men your Master would not appreciate it at all.

Terry Lee Stoker
Sa bum nim sir,I did not mean for my words to come across negative.I just tryed to inform these people of my knowledge that I have in the MA.I did not mean for it to come out the way it did.I tryed to inform them because in my view it seemed as if they thought I had no knowledge at all and that I trained at a mcdojang.But I am sorry for the way it came across.