Footwork in "tempting the tiger"


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
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For those of you that practice Hung Gar, in this form what is the purpose of the footwork/stance changes where all you are doing is moving the foot along the ground ( I know it's not a good description and I'm not trying to belittle it just don't understand it enough to describe it better).?
punisher73 said:
For those of you that practice Hung Gar, in this form what is the purpose of the footwork/stance changes where all you are doing is moving the foot along the ground ( I know it's not a good description and I'm not trying to belittle it just don't understand it enough to describe it better).?
Here's what a friend of mine who is a Hung Gar sifu had to say.

its to open the kwa and to shift fighting angles to teach you how to fight on diagonal lines instead of straight lines. The Kwa is the pelvis essentially like your inner hip , the inner thigh
If you're talking about when a practitioner is doing the "heel-toe" shifting from one stance to another...I don't know. We don't do this. There's some variation from school to school within the Hung Kuen forms. Gung Gee Fook Fu Kuen: Taming/Tempting the Tiger in an "I" pattern is a conceptual form that provides the framework for the entire system.
