Follow MartialTalk on Twitter

Why not? Through the magic of the interweb, we're compacting large fact filled posts into 140 or less characters of concentrated goodness. :D
It's more to let casual visitors keep an eye on MT and get notice of topics that might interest them, plus get some more traffic for us through that site.
following it :wavey:

I'm still so up and down about Twitter. I can see the benefits of websites, companies, groups, and bands using it, but just normal everyday people?
I have a twitter account but I really haven't found much use out of tweeting. I have many more friends on Facebook and we aren't limited to the 140 char limit required to squeeze a tweet in to an SMS message.

Where I do find value is for the news feeds. I follow the Boston Herald, Boston Globe, and the main New Hampshire news outlets........just in case something ever actually happens in New Hampshire. :lol:
Personally, I don't 'get' the whole thing myself, but, I've had a few people ask for it, had a few clients ask about it, so, this lets me add some stuff for everyone who is interested in it, and educate myself on something for my clients.

Let me know what you think and what I can do to tweak the twitters for y'all.

I'll definitely follow. Not saying it isn't worth it for MT, Bob. Just saying that as a lowly individual that's not a Gawd Emperor, I just haven't found that much use for it yet. :)
I've never understood Twitter, but I will sign up to support MT.
I figure, it's another place to update folks from, like the Facebook fan page. :)