FMAT: What is your fitness regimen for eskrima?

Clark Kent

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Sep 11, 2006
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What is your fitness regimen for eskrima?
By Tagadagat - 07-03-2012 02:49 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


What do you do to help build your fitness levels for Eskrima? Do you do eskrima specific activities (e.g. only done because it may benefit eskrima play), do you do more generalist fitness activities (e.g. running for endurance, powerlifting for strength, etc...), or do you mix and match?


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I have trained in Pangasinan Toledo Eskrima and Eskrima Serrada. I have the latico-bodig and lou gehrig diseases, but I have very strong endocannabinoids that continually replenish the motor neurons. I go to the gym 3 to 4 days a week and do 3 sets of 12 reps of 90 lbs. on the hammer, 45 reps of 80 lbs. on the leg press, 100 reps forward and 100 reps backward of 120 lbs. on the abdomen machine, go 3.0 miles and hour on the tread mill. Besides Eskrima, I take Tai Chi Chuan Yang and Choy Li Fut Kung Fu (where the instructors allow me to blend bare-hand Filipino martial arts). So I end my my gym routine with the 8-point Tai Chi form and the Siu Jin Kuen form of Kung Fu. Doing sinawali routines strengthen the grip, hands, wrists, and forearms. the 8-jeweled Qi Gong exercise stretches the legs, feet, arms, hands, back, neck, and lateral muscles. We warm up with 8-jeweled Qi Gong before doing Tai Chi walking and Tai Chi forms. Tai Chi has given me strong chi (life force), my heart beat is slow, and I can last a long time in Kung Fu drills, and hold a horse stance for a long time. I have a blue sash in Tai Chi and a purple sash in Kung Fu. I hope this information helps.
Escrima class is rarely very demanding physically so I continue with stationary bike for cardiac rehab, forms, stretches, kicks etc. from Tang Soo Do. I do some kettle ball work but my docs have limited me on any significant weight training.