FMAT: Uk Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima Association

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Uk Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima Association
By stickmaster2000 - Fri, 04 May 2007 09:59:35 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


The United Kingdom Cacoy Doce Pares Association is a newly formed UK based FMA Association who’s aim it is to promote & teach the Filipino Eskrima System of Grandmaster Ciriaco ‘Cacoy’ Canete – 12th Degree Black Belt.

The Association is headed by Master Instructor Anton StÂ’James who has spent the past eleven years traveling to the Philippines and training at the World Headquarters of the Cacoy Doce Pares World Federation in Cebu City.

Master StÂ’James has been involved in the Martial Arts for 37 years and has been specializing in the FMA since 1979. Master StÂ’James is a personal student of Grandmaster Cacoy Canete and has been awarded his Masters Degree and given authority directly by him and the World Headquarters Board of Directors to operate as the UK representative for the Cacoy Doce Pares World Federation.

We are looking for UK martial artists to form the Central Board of Instructors for the UKCDPEA. A minimum of 1 years experience in the martial arts is required by applicants. Some experience in FMA would be an advantage but is not essential as full training will be given.

Successful applicants should be available for intensive training over the next 12 months (dates to be confirmed) and should have a willingness and commitment to fully assist in the development and implementation of the UKCDPEA and its teaching curriculum.

Instructor Training Courses will be held on a regular basis. These courses will co-inside with Master StÂ’JamesÂ’ return to the UK.

On successful completion of the 1 year Instructor Training Course, candidates will receive Instructor Certification to the UKCDPEA and will be invited to take up senior posts on the Board of Instructors to the UKCDPEA.

Instructor Training will include the following:
  • Knowledge of History & Background
  • Basic Level Teaching Curriculum
  • Intermediate Level Teaching Curriculum
  • Advanced Level Teaching Curriculum
  • Black Belt Level Teaching Curriculum
  • ChildrenÂ’s Programme
  • Emergency First Aid
  • Health & Safety
  • Child Abuse Awareness Training
  • CRB checks
  • Business Management Skills
We offer a detailed curriculum from novice level right through to senior Black Belt grades. Each grade level is clearly defined in the Instructor Training Manual that will accompany the course and acts as back-up material for instructors.

Our Curriculum for Rank advancement allows for instructor freedom in delivery of the technical requirements coupled with a progressive approach to delivery of material ensuring that the student has goals which are both relevant and achievable to their level of experience.

The Instructor Training Programme will cover the following areas which form the foundation of the Rank advancement Curriculum:
  • Double Stick
  • Single Stick
  • Stick & Dagger
  • Pangamot (empty handed applications)
We guarantee that the techniques taught are the most up to date and progressive available, coming directly from the Cacoy Doce Pares World Federation as taught today by Grandmaster Ciriaco ‘Cacoy’ Canete and the most Senior Instructors at the World Headquarters.

Master StÂ’James resides in the Philippines training daily at the HQ and returns to the UK four times a year to assist in the development of National Black Belt Academies and conduct seminars in the Cacoy Doce Pares Eskrima System and to ensure that the UK curriculum is current and up-to date with the techniques, concepts and training methods of the World Headquarters and its teaching staff.

Instructors of the UKCDPEA will receive official administrative and promotional back up materials including:
  • Leaflets & Posters
  • Internet presence through our web site:
  • Student Membership Application Forms
  • Student Licensing and Insurance Books
  • School/Club Membership Certificates
  • Student Rank Testing Application Forms
  • Student Rank Recognition Certificates
  • Uniforms
  • T-Shirts
  • Training Equipment
  • Student Training Manuals
  • Student Billing & Business Consultancy (NEST Management Ltd.)
You can contact Master St'James by e-mail: or contact Mr. Ian Hardy or Tom Barlow at the UK Headquarters.

Master St'James Black Belt Academy
174, Rendle Street

Telephone: 01752 262233

Our new web sites: & will be operational very soon.


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