FMAT: The Wind of Change

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The Wind of Change
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Wed, 03 Oct 2007 20:00:38 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Thanks for the Administrator for a good discipline in managing the FMATalk.

It is in the nature of the filipino culture to fight for the truth and that is the very reason why the filipinos won against the three major wars in the Philippines from 1521 to 1949.To remind every reader in the FMATALK that in the History of the Far East particularly the Philippines, the only country in Asia that fought the three major battles, the filipinos won them all. It is the truth that they fought for and it is oftenly said,The truth shall make you free.We in the Pekiti-Tirsia kali system we speak what is right and what is not right. If we say that disarming will not work , we know the truth that is not going to work, if we say that blocking is not going to work , we know the truth that it is not going to work.If we hide the truth then we make the people fools then one day they will discover that disarming is not going to work , then we will be more foolish because we didn't tell them the truth. It is not our intention to insult people or criticize on whatever they do , but if we talk about FMA and the doctrine is not in the right way , then we will rise in some ways to correct what is not right. There is a saying A MISTAKE OF ONE IS A MISTAKE OF ALL. If you encounter a real fight and your first delivery of your strike is to the hit the head and you hit the stick of your opponent what is going to happen is he will come back to you with more vigorous multiple attack then you will suffer with all the black and blues. One mistake in your first attack, all other attacks are incorrect because you will have all the broken fingers and maybe losing your eyes.

In the real FMA there is no mistake , the truth must prevail. The truth is tell the people what is the danger of blocking the stick that is traveling 500 miles per second faster than sound, the speed of the ginunting or samurai or a blade for that matter that is traveling more than 1,000 miles per second, how about the Jedi sword that is in flashes of color and suddenly your hand is gun.

If the truth in the FMA is presented we don't have any bad feelings but if we ignore what is wrong then we are not educating the public instead we will create confusion and confusion will create rivalry. So before anybody wants to write or present himself as someone that should be checked before he is accepted in the FMATALK.

It is a sacred responsibility to those who teaches FMA that the teachings structure will save lives and save the honor and dignity of the true FMA.But if in the beginning it is already marked with commercialism and manufactured mixed techniques un -original, then what is the purpose in learning FMA if one will be killed in the street or found out that those fancy techniques will never work.

So let us keep the standard high for people to look into the FMATALK as a center for intelligent discussion all about FMA. We interpret FMA not as a filipino Martial Arts but "FINAL MASTERY IN ACTION" FMA.

In all my tour seminars, more filipinos now swing to pekiti-Tirsia because they know the truth. They love the Philosphy, the cultural studies and traditional practices more on the understanding of customs together with the ideology that makes the strength of the filipinos as a unique nation.

The Wind of Change has come to the Pekiti-Tirsia as the HOME OF EVERY FILIPINO. All styles are welcome because for many years of FMA in the US and even in the Philippines, each style has reach the limit of their teaching structures that for many times that one may attend seminars, he realized that the same music is played in the same old phonograph.Why this happens ,it is because the FMA style has been mixed and in the process the ingredients of purity is gone and it will never comes back.If the purity is lost then what remains is a residue. To teach residue it is of a poor quality and it is not worth for one spending time and money.

Pekiti-Tirsia is in the wind of sustainability, we sustain the desire of one to learn more and more for one to be in real Authority with the skill of a real Professional who can teach and can fight to the last drop.Wave of interest is present in all of my seminars to learn what has been missing for the past 10 to 15 years. What is the future of FMA as an Educational Institution for culture and Posterity, for Bravery and Courage, for a New Life now and thereafter. Think it over and be sure, we will help you but you help yourself.

Pekiti-Tirsia Knife technology has outlived any knife culture and it will continue to grow as the population increases. It is the people who learned that will make each technique productive and useful that will last for more centuries".Be wise as a serpent so that the gift of wisdom will be with you forever."


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