FMAT: The Reality of things to come

Clark Kent

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The Reality of things to come
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 08 Oct 2007 12:34:15 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I wish every one to recollect the sufferings, the agony and the truama of the people who had been victims of the atrocities,cruelty, thrill killing,abused with torture,kidnapping , abductions and all forms of criminalities that inflicted our society today. The people that survived during those bloody hours and made to live yet suffured great physcial damage that made them unable to move suffering the agony of pain but in their mind was the pain seeing their friends and love ones died an instant death leaving no memories even to say goodbye. Just when I was in Waterbury Conn. having a week long seminar with Ron Kosak, the PTK Director for the State of Connecticut,.One evening a sudden news flash in the TV that a family of 5 with the father, mother and two daughters became hostage by two men who entered in their home , hogtied the father and brought to the basement , then the two men raped the mother and the two daughters and put the house on fire burning the mother and the two daughters luckily the father escape from the basement and was saved.This is one of the many horrors that is existing on our society today. Not only in the US but all over the world. In the Philippines we had so many incidents worst then this. Massacred all 8 members of the family killing even the grandfather and the grandmother and all the children and parents while sleeping in the silence of night.

It is not far from reality, the recent shooting by an off-duty police officer in smalltown in one of the states in the US now in the news showed that crimes can happened even in small town where people expect to be one big family community. News everyday are focused on crimes with all forms of killing from shooting to blades, self killing and many others.

What does it meant to those who practice martial arts. It means that we practice Martial Arts because we want to protect ourselves against someone that will hurt us or our family or do we practice martial arts because we interested to wear blackbelts or just to let everyone knows that you are in karate, Juijitsui or Judo or Taekwondo or even in the FMA ?. Or do we consider the seriousness of training because we can anticipate any untoward incidents that we may not expect or do we prepare ourselves to meet the enemy toe to toe. I love to meet some ladies who came to my seminar traveling many miles, flying across the States to attend my seminar. Vey few but I can in their eyes the fighting mode and the determination to learn with the will power to destroy anyone that touches them. They are 101 percent willing to remove the man's ear down to the neck bring it home and save it for memorabelia. I can feel blood flowing in their viens hot as the fire of the atom bomb that drop in NAGASAKI, JAPAN.

This is now the time to prepare while we are still out from the danger, out from the reach of the criminally insant killers, out from collateral destruction , out from being a victim with crippled legs.

I love to see the young kids trained how to use hand guns managed by good father who shot in the firing range regularly while the mother is on the other side of the range having a Bennili 92 S enjoying every shell that comes out from the chamber.

While still have time,now is the time to turn to a new spectrum of decision. Will you die without a fight or you fight to live and be a living warrior of your own time.


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