FMAT: Teovels Balintawak - Who When Where...!?

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Teovels Balintawak - Who When Where...!?
By Mono - Mon, 12 May 2008 20:44:50 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I would like to start this Thread about the State of the "Teovels Balintawak" Family as of today...

So, what happened to the 12 original Chapters. Who is still teaching what when and where?

I will start by Posting some of the Information I have found and will fill in any further Information you (the Forummembers) can provide...


1.Chito Velez - Green Chapter
2. Monie Velez - Blue Chapter
3. Eddie Velez - Violet Chapter
According to my Knowledge, the Velez Brothers still teach and Head the "Teovels Balintawak".
Training at: Ayala Park, Cebu City every Sunday.
URL: ??

4. Nick Elizar - White Chapter​
Today heads the "World Nickelstick Balintawak Club" as Founder & President.
Teaching at: The original Location of the former "White Chapter" at 84-y Cabantan St, Brgy. Luz, Cebu City. Also conducting Training for all Chapters of the Club every Sunday at Ayala Park, Cebu City.
URL: /

5. Winnie de la Rosa - Brown Chapter
Teaching at: ??
URL: ??

6. Romeo de la Rosa - Black Chapter
Teaching at: ??
URL: ??

7. Nonato (Nene) Gaabucayan - Gold Yellow Chapter
Still Teaches Teovels Balintawak under the Name of "Gold Chapter" but is now located in the USA.
Teaching at: (Somewhere USA; Westcoast?)
URL: 799587

8. Faustino (Tonying) Patalinghug - Purple Black Chapter
Teaching at: ??
URL: ??

9. Bobby Elizar - Orange Chapter
Joined the World Nickelstick Balintawak Club and heads the Tiger chapter
Teaches at: Englis,V.Rama Avenue, brgy. Guadalupe, Cebu City
URL: /

10. Joe Cavan - Pink Chapter
Also Joined the World Nickelstick Club - if Ernesto Cavan and Joe Cavan are the same Person, he also Teaches at the Tiger Chapter of the Nickelstick Club (this is what I gathered from the Website...)
URL: /

11. Bobby Taboada - Red Chapter
Bobby heads his own international Organisation, teaching the Teovels Method under the Name of "Balintawak Arnis Cuentada"
Teaches at: Charlotte, North Carolina (and conducting Seminars around the World...)

12. Teofilo V. Roma - Yellow Chapter
Today he heads the "Teovel Balintawak Self-Defense Club, Inc."
Teaches at: Basak, Mandaue City, Cebu


I am looking Forward to more Information on the state of the Teovels Family today...

Philipp "Mono" Wolf


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