FMAT: PTK expound to expand

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PTK expound to expand
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Wed, 05 Sep 2007 11:42:32 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


My main purpose in contributing to the FMATALK is to provide cultural ingredients among FMA interest what is missing in some of the expriences that had not been expounded by the FMA Masters during their time of teaching. Not all of them had time to expound to each group or to individual what is the inner value of the culture that was treasured by many who had the opportunity to be in the Philippines sometimes and sometime ago. I shared many views of historical experiences and my own personal research, evaluation ,comparative analysis and technical logic how each of the style under FMA can justify the culture of a true Filipino.

To authenticate the FMA you must not rely on the books because those who wrote the books writes only what mostly they see and writes the events and translates it to their own way of interpretations but had no not been into the hinterlands of Panay and Negros where the unsung FMA heros of their own time had kept the secret revealed only when they start to have confidence in you and without malice or bad interntions they see you are honest and sincere leaving to them the good word of comfort. It is not the money that influenced the people in the hinterlands for them to display about their techniques and style. It is how you manage yourself during they set down and tell theri own personal life.Just for the recent experience when Blod sport Director Nick Papadakis of LA went to the Philippines do documentary on Kali to Scrape and along the filming of the BBC in Negros. It was fresh incident in the town of Murcia that there was family feud where a father and son had an encounter against two brothers.The brother killed the son and the father went to rescue his son fortunately the father had know-how about kali which he kept to himself without even teaching his own son.It was only found out that he knew how ot fight after his son is dead and he regreted why he didn't taught his son.

So this is one of the truth how to authenticate the art as unritten history. It took me 12 years to research and research with comparative studies went around the many Islands after I left the US last 1989. The work of art is not a day as Rome was not built in a day. My sharing the truth of the FMA is based on experience and my teachings are based on Philosophy, Logic and Reasons.I teach to expound and expand each one mentality that in real combat, the day becomes dark and the night becomes the day. You can only see the light at the end of the Ginunting and at the barrel of a 45 and the Socom 16.

Once in one's life experience is the best teacher. History is you and you make the history no the book can tell you what is the reality.

For once in your life be a warrior and tell some one " DEad Man tells no Tales" that is true FMA. 3 times in the Philippine history from 1521 to 1945 Filipinos won the war in the Philippines, pure and simple slash and thrust.


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