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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Wed, 20 Jun 2007 03:26:55 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk



Anyone that practices, represents, teaches and carry the name Filipino martial Arts anywhere in the US, Canada , Europe or other countries must be fully equipped, will trained, technically prepared , intellectually articulative, logical in terms of technical presentation, excellent command in English language, physically built to stand as an instructor, morally personable,well educated,clinically clean, proud to repesent the Philippines with all the essence about Culture, Philosophy, Traditions and ideology.

One must all the datas past and present about the Philippines from the year 1521 to the present, how many Islands, population growth, Political structure, social and religious infuences. Must know the real substance of the Kali Doctirne of Discipline.

Must present the purity of the filipino fighting culture as presented in the System in relation to original culture, must be able to justify every technique presented during seminars or camp training. What imakes FMA different with other martial arts.

Must be able to present the System as an Education from the Basics , Intermediate, Advanced , Mastery and Advanced Mastery to Super mastery

One and foremost is the abilty to fight with skill, with logic , with reason and full ability to win at all cost. Must be in perfect condition to sustain the fight with full stamina and endurance regardless of age. Can select a weapon and must be able to use it and stand for it when challenge calls for.

He must face the public regardless of affiliations , political, religious , social or vigilantes with the cunning attitude to combat any negative expression against the FMA. And be able to stand to defend the FMA at all cost.

An instructor must not be materialistic by selling the name of FMA with a Blackbelt or title as Tuhon or Punong Guro or Guro to any interested person whose desire is to use the FMA for money and to the extent of being ungrateful to the person that teaches him.

An instructor with a cheaters attitude whose intention is to learn FMA and uses the stolen techniques and claiming his own style, this we cannot tolerate to be a part of the FMA community.

Those who may read this watch your FMA instructor if he has any of this description , judge it by yourself if he is for real.

But if he is a setting down Master and can't even articulate his technique and everything is mechanical with the elements of kata, blocking, grabing to disarm and grappling with the belief that he can control and take the knife, or can kick believing that the knife can fly, then you better thiink twice if he is for real. So beware and take a good look, his physical body structure can he move or is he faking as an Instructor.

Don' waste your time , just watch Bruce Lee or jet lee in the movie you can learn better, they have better personalities.


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