FMAT: Parts of the cane?

Clark Kent

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Parts of the cane?
By Priend - 07-06-2013 10:44 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Hello FMA practitioners!

I have read that the butt of the cane is called the "punyo", the tip is called the "punto", the grip is called the "puluhan" and the middle is called the "centro". Are these terms correct? If so, that leaves the striking end "below" the punto--is there a name for that?

Just wondering. Thank you all.


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Hi Clark,

Yes those terms are correct but doesn't apply to all FMAers in the Philippines because we have so many styles coming from everywhere. We have lots of island in the Philippines (70,107 islands) and with different dialects. The terminology from one island may be different from the terminology used in another.

I was originally from Manila... The biggest hurdle that I often encounter with other fellow FMAers is that we don't really have one single name for everything. There are lots of terms that we use and do not use and many "funky" terms that I've never heard of that sounds Filipino-ish especially FMA based arts from abroad (basing it on the stuffs I read on the web).

Me coming from unorganized traditional FMA from Luzon island, naturally the terms we use are from Luzon but still my seniors who came from different provinces have their own terms/names. Sometimes we just use English terms/names to make it easier for everybody to understand since most Filipinos can speak English. We agree with the punyo but we also call it dulo (end) but we also call the tip of the blade as punto/dulo??? Centro means center. As for sticks in general, we call the it baston (cane), pamalo (club or blunt weapon) or simply call them as "sticks".

For blades some of us calls it pulo/puluhan/hawakan or simply call it as "handle". The blade as "blade" but sometimes we call it "tiyan" or stomach. Probably we can also call the striking end below the punto as tiyan too??? We call the flat of the blade as "lapad" or flat and "batok" (name of the area behind the neck of a person) the area opposite the blade. We call the tip of the blade as dulo and the tip of the handle as dulo too or punyo. But this is just in the area that I grew up. Probably have different names depending on the location of the art's origin.

But with the rise of organized Modern FMA, probably the names and terms will become generalized especially that Arnis is our national martial art now but since there are still lots of traditional FMAers coming from everywhere, they will not easily give up their terminology.

PS: I've passed my son our old FMA but used very minimal Filipino terms/names. Sometime he talks to me using FMA terms that he picked up from the web and it often blows my mind... sometimes he even got me asking, "from what remote, inhabited island did you get that term", hahaha!