FMAT: Non-counterability an ancient tradition

Clark Kent

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Non-counterability an ancient tradition
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 29 Oct 2007 01:27:20 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Non-Counterablity is the objective of renown Grandmasters who mastered their own system . You find only few system that is advocating today. If there is one that will conform to non-couterability then he knows what is his system and he knows his capability.

Non-counterability is missing in most FMA style because of the interest to be in sports making the FMA to be a expectator sports.So techniques that are vitally usefull for combat is disallowed and those who practice the FMA were more concern in showmanship.

We cannot deviate from the true culture of Kali dedicated to the direct combatancy during combat encounter.True kali culture is far stronger than other culture applied in real combat in the Philippines for more than 300 years.It continued to be powerful because of the interest for each special subjects to be accomplish in the most shortest possible time.

Non-counterability is sharper compared to than two edged wespons

Time is important in all aspects of legal battle,.


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