FMAT: Name Change

Clark Kent

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Name Change
By Imua Kuntao - 12-02-2010 04:52 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


“Changing of a Name”
There are many reasons for changing Names or Titles. One is to be distinguish from being like others past or present with common lineage/heritage. This is done when it is discovered that the new emerging, evolved entity has become something different from which it was born, though in keeping with beginning principles. In Martial Arts, Bruce Lee changed what he practiced to his own ideals and meanings and he renamed it Jeet Kune Do. What was taught to me as Imua Tamaraw Escrima-Kuntao as evolved into its own different way. One of these changes from the original style is that of empty hand forms (kata, sets). The katas, or sets were of Japanese Goju-Ryu, which included Chinto as well as others, I no longer use them. The principles remain, the Nine gates of Blocking, Striking, and Footwork, along with the Nine Points of Balance. New to the system are the Five levels of Targets. The name Imua Tamaraw has an element of Polynesian language. Imua to Hawaiians is translated to mean “to go forward” or “not to go backwards” and or “to be aggressive”. The word Tamaraw is from the Philippines and is the name of a rare aggressive water buffalo found only on a remote island in that nation of islands. The martial art I learned is a Filipino Martial Art, with this in mind and wanting to keep the heritage of the past but having evolved, I have renamed the style Marahas Escrima-Kuntaw. What has actually changed is the language and name in general not the meaning. Marahas in the Philippines is translated as aggressive. The word “Tamaraw” was dropped from the style name to signify difference from the original system learned.
Marahas Escrima-Kuntaw is the system/style born from Imua Tamaraw. This is a complete system with its own forms/sets/katas, both empty hand and with weapons including the bolo and the famous garrote also called a baston, or simply stick, using both double and single. The history of this style will always include from where it was born, the lineage of past teachers.
The future of Marahas Escrima-Kuntaw is now in motion with its Nine sets (kata) of empty hand and its Nine sets of weapons. All of the styleÂ’s techniques come from the original principles. The foot pattern along with the blocking pattern are the first basics the students learn in order to understand the weakness of an attacker. Once the student understands the weaknesses of the attacker all the counter strikes to specific targets can be seen. An example:
Attacker steps forward with right foot and uses a right straight punch to defenderÂ’s face. The defender steps with left foot to the outside of attacker and covers/passes/blocks punch.
The student sees that the knee is lined up to attacker or the attacker could be pulled off balance. Using all attacks in practice including right and left hand strikes, kicks, elbows and knees and weapons, the defender utilizing all principles will easily learn hundreds of self defense techniques from practice. There are also many drills both empty hand and with weapons. These drills are used to develop speed and muscle memory to quickly execute defensive strikes. In practice we use everyday items that we might carry with us in our cars and on our person such as maglites (flashlights) both large and small or small wrenches. These items are not made with the intention of violent use such as the dulo dulo. In the state of Texas any item made with intent for the use of violence and carried on a person could be called a concealed weapon and if found on you by a peace officer, you maybe charged as carrying an illegal concealed weapon which brings both fines and time in the county jail. For self defense reasons we review the Texas State Penal Code Book.
With the coming of the new year comes a style/system reborn and renamed, changed into Martial Art made strictly for self defense to be learned easily by young and old, physically fit or not. Coming also will be a change of logo which will reflect the meaning and heritage of the system “Marahas Escrima-Kuntaw”.


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I would love to see your style some day. You do have me curious now that you explain it here. It would be cool to see the similarities and differences.

I have been into Kuntao since the mid 70's. I have seen many other styles but i really feel Kuntao is me. Its what I feel comfortable falling back on no matter what goes down. Nothing pretty about Kuntao but it is beautiful.:asian: