FMAT: MMA vs FMA? Systema?

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MMA vs FMA? Systema?
By Pitboss 306 - Tue, 26 Jun 2007 06:53:28 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


I love 20 year old experts on forums. guys like these who know it all about martial arts....

The Matt, The Myth, The Legend


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Send Message Posted: 21/06/2007 is the bi-cep extension different from the bicep curl?

theres no use in training any individual muscle, if your not doing compound lifts, your not exercising

pavel's strength training principles are miles above and beyond anything out there now

Don't even get me started on the "MMA is not real fighting" thing, maybe its not, but theres no better way to train for real life altercations, take any rbsd fighter, or anybody that doesn't regularly spar and put him in a fight with an MMA fighter, or anybody else that spars, and not point fighting, thats not sparring, a real fight, you can claw the eyes and hit the neck, and the MMA fighter will win

You can't rely on any weapon you haven't trained in a dynamic setting, thats why BJJ dominated the original UFC's and the gracies dominated 50 years before that.

I responded:

MMA is Sport, not Combat. While many may be well conditioned combative athletes or expert technicians, MMA 'fighters' are far from the warriors many claim that are.

No More than a Kendo player is a sword fighter.

It is THE common confusion of armchair experts and fighters of limited experience that 'MMA IS FIGHTING". Mixed Martial Arts has degenerated from combat science into a sport governed by rules and the limitations that go hand in hand with commercialization and safetyconcerns. Combat training and realistic self defence does not consider the safety of a would be rapist. They are geared to Negate A Threat.

Seeing as how a person will fight on the street as he trains in the gym, limited training=limited skills.

Limited skills=limited fighting=incomplete system of defence.

MMA in it's quest to be a professional SPORT, has outlawed many valid martial techniques. Banned groin strikes and eye gouges are obvious. However, if those are the limit of your Realistic Self Defence knowledge, I'd ask for your money back after the seminar.

Also prohibited are small joint Wrist and finger locking, deliberate striking (or hard locks) to joints such as the elbow or knee, downward elbow strikes to back, elbow point striking period, Striking to back side or front of neck/throat, Spinal striking, and head butts.

Banning Kicking to the head while on the ground (even when both players are ground fighting) is laughable to even start considering in a real fight.

Incidentally... a carotid strike WILL drop a person. Regardless how many arteries flow to and from the brain.

Until these limitations are recognized and adressed in MMA as a system, it will be not be an option for "realistic self defence". In fact, it hinders public understanding of real functional combative arts in North America.

He goes on to illuminate:

"i have an instructor who has spent over thirty years in the filipino arts, but he now trains systema over them unless hes asked to teach the filipino system.

he puts systema ahead of the filipino arts because of the difference in training philosophies, i highly recommend you check it out."

Anybody know about this "systema"?


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