FMAT: Mindset FMA and Firearms

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Mindset FMA and Firearms
By franci1911 - Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:03:05 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


The following was taken from Jeff Cooper, Marine Lt. Colonel who served in both World War II and the Korean War, Noted Author on firearms handling, Firearms Instructor, and competitor:

I am very active in the usage of firearms as I believe that it is part and parcel of what make up a FMA practitioner. As much as is the knife so is the firearm in FMA. You can not escape it nor avoid it. No matter how much some of you think that making it illegal will some how bring gun violence to extreme LOW numbers or non existence.

So in my FMA classes I stress these Mind set and Awareness codes. As well as I do the proper legal use of Firearms.

I think that it is not paranoia to be prepared in the mere chance that someday it may happen. It just makes good sense. I am not some crazed individual thats crying the sky is falling. I am more like the Boy Scout in being prepared.

So these words below will work for even those who can't bring themselves to be open about firearm handling and manipulation.

Mental Awareness Color Codes:

White - unaware: A sleep only, never leave your home in condition white.

Yellow - basic awareness: Not a state of paranoia. You are simply aware of whats happening around you. You may notice the people, activities and exits around you.

Orange: You think you see a potential threat, suspicious people or activity. You should be formulating a plan at this point for de-escalate, FIGHT OR FLIGHT

Red: Actively engaged in a fight for you life

Mindset Development:

Unconscious/Incompetent: You don't know what you don't know. You are unaware of your own ignorance.

Conscious/Incompetence: You know what you don't know. You realize that you lack certain skills and/or techniques to fight. And you realize that you need to work on these skill through training or practice.

Conscious/Competence: You can perform a skill as long as you concentrate or think about doing it.

Unconscious/Competence: Mastered a skill to the point that you can perform it without thinking. Freeing you mind to focus on other tasks while performing a mastered skill or technique.

If anyone is interested in learning more about firearm handling please log on to for training information.

If you are in the San Francisco Bay area and want training in Pekiti-Tirsia Kali and Firearms, you can contact me Michael Franciotti at


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