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Memorial Day 2010
By Guro Dave Gould - 05-29-2010 02:29 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Hi guys,
I hope that all is well with everyone and that all are enjoying their week-end.
For those of us whom are U.S. citizens I just wanted to remind you all to take a few moments this Memorial Day week-end to reflect upon the memory of and give thanks for the sacrifices which our men in uniform that have fallen in combat have given over the centuries, which allow us as a nation to benefit from the numerous liberties and freedoms that we all enjoy daily.
Anyone who is willing to put the liberties and needs of the whole above and beyond his own wants and desires and is willing to be placed in harms way so that many will benefit greatly at the expense of a few deserves to be placed at the forefront of our thoughts and memories. We all have to keep reminding ourselves that the liberties and freedoms which we enjoy daily are not free, but have been paid for in blood for centuries.
Even those who do not believe in war remember that had no-one stepped forwrd and was willing to sacrifice his life for your right to speak non-violence you would not have a pulpit from which to speak. We all owe a great gratitude to these fallen soldiers and it is because of them that we still have a free nation from which to exercise free speach, as opposed to the alternative, which would have us as a Nation consumed by a greater power decades ago and fall under their rulership speaking their language and suffering from their abuses and lack of privelidges. Be grateful for what we have and recognize why we have it...
Guro Dave Gould.
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By Guro Dave Gould - 05-29-2010 02:29 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Hi guys,
I hope that all is well with everyone and that all are enjoying their week-end.
For those of us whom are U.S. citizens I just wanted to remind you all to take a few moments this Memorial Day week-end to reflect upon the memory of and give thanks for the sacrifices which our men in uniform that have fallen in combat have given over the centuries, which allow us as a nation to benefit from the numerous liberties and freedoms that we all enjoy daily.
Anyone who is willing to put the liberties and needs of the whole above and beyond his own wants and desires and is willing to be placed in harms way so that many will benefit greatly at the expense of a few deserves to be placed at the forefront of our thoughts and memories. We all have to keep reminding ourselves that the liberties and freedoms which we enjoy daily are not free, but have been paid for in blood for centuries.
Even those who do not believe in war remember that had no-one stepped forwrd and was willing to sacrifice his life for your right to speak non-violence you would not have a pulpit from which to speak. We all owe a great gratitude to these fallen soldiers and it is because of them that we still have a free nation from which to exercise free speach, as opposed to the alternative, which would have us as a Nation consumed by a greater power decades ago and fall under their rulership speaking their language and suffering from their abuses and lack of privelidges. Be grateful for what we have and recognize why we have it...
Guro Dave Gould.
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