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Carry Blade of Choice?
By Guro Dave Gould - 09-25-2010 08:14 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Hi guys,
I was just curious, for those who choose to carry a knife on their persons, which knife do you carry? Most important, why?
Fixed blades are alway preferred as they will not be compromised on impact, whereas a "folder" is only as good as its locking mechanism. I have had some very well known folding knives collapse on me during hard training, totaly because the locking mechanism failed being compromised when a certain amount of pressure was placed on the blade in motion allowing the blade to slip past the locking mechanism and close on my fingers.
Any folder which I choose to carry must have some kind of "Axis" lock technology or something similar, such as a steel pinion covering the back of the blade to make it all but impossible to slip the locking mechanism and close on impact. The Benchmade 710 "McHenry & Williams" model is a perfect example of what I choose to carry concerning folders.
As for fixed blades, I really like and have confided for years in several custom blades from knife maker Al Polkowski. If you are not familiar with him or his work, or if you are currently looking for a good combative fixed blade, I could not recommend a better knife maker than he, as his work more than speaks for itself. Be forewarned though that there is usually quite a significant waiting time which one must under take in order to get one of his custom pieces, but the product is well worth the wait as his pieces are so well balanced and made that one quickly forgets that it is in the hand.
I look forward to your comments, train well, ciao.
Guro Dave Gould.
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By Guro Dave Gould - 09-25-2010 08:14 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Hi guys,
I was just curious, for those who choose to carry a knife on their persons, which knife do you carry? Most important, why?
Fixed blades are alway preferred as they will not be compromised on impact, whereas a "folder" is only as good as its locking mechanism. I have had some very well known folding knives collapse on me during hard training, totaly because the locking mechanism failed being compromised when a certain amount of pressure was placed on the blade in motion allowing the blade to slip past the locking mechanism and close on my fingers.
Any folder which I choose to carry must have some kind of "Axis" lock technology or something similar, such as a steel pinion covering the back of the blade to make it all but impossible to slip the locking mechanism and close on impact. The Benchmade 710 "McHenry & Williams" model is a perfect example of what I choose to carry concerning folders.
As for fixed blades, I really like and have confided for years in several custom blades from knife maker Al Polkowski. If you are not familiar with him or his work, or if you are currently looking for a good combative fixed blade, I could not recommend a better knife maker than he, as his work more than speaks for itself. Be forewarned though that there is usually quite a significant waiting time which one must under take in order to get one of his custom pieces, but the product is well worth the wait as his pieces are so well balanced and made that one quickly forgets that it is in the hand.
I look forward to your comments, train well, ciao.
Guro Dave Gould.
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