FMAT: MARPPIO Modern Arnis Seminar update

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MARPPIO Modern Arnis Seminar update
By Alakd'an - Fri, 07 Sep 2007 21:38:21 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


The MARPPIO Seminar, scheduled August 18 and 19, in Sterling Heights, Michigan was a great success again this year.
Dr. Presas taught an impromtu class during our Friday class before the seminar started on Saturday and Sunday, and treated everyone to advanced double, single cane and empty hand trapping and locking.
This continued into Saturday with the addition of Dulo sa Dulo with locking and trapping. Sunday's highlights were classical styles such as BaBa Taas, Figure Eight, Reverse Figure Eight, Banda y Banda, etc.
We also heard stories of Dr. Presas growing up with his Father, Grandmaster Remy A. Presas, and the beginning of Modern Arnis in Bacolod and Manila. Also, the input his Mother Rosemary Presas had on naming techniques and editing the first book on Modern Arnis. She was the driving force behind the Grandmaster in getting Modern Arnis in the school system in PI.
This was a great oppurtunity for those interested on the History of Modern Arnis and the training that had continued even after Grandmaster came to the States.
TDS Family Martial arts and the Sterling Modern Arnis Club will host Dr. Presas again next year with testing available for those who would like to rank in MARPPIO Modern Arnis under Mataas na Guro Dr. Remy P. Presas.
Contact or for more info.


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