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Loyalty And Do Or Die Mentality
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 02 Jul 2007 18:02:35 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
It has been the tradition of the Pekiti-Tirsia kali system that the training discipline is the standing order in all the years past and present. The system never failed in terms of ratings . It has been my daily routine to follow the command of my old man( Grandpa) in all forms of requirement to complete the system .
Traditions : Pekiti-Tirsia in its best this year deserves special award for extra mile effort to fulfill the desire of the ancestors that pekiti-tirsia is a part of the growing demand as an instrument of peace under the philosophical values of every techniques utilize as a discipline under the Doctrine of Gallantry.
Customs: Under the tenets of cultural practices , Pekiti-tirsia in al forms of discipline such as training in combative survival school or in a combative sports or a daily protection program, the customary practices increases the level of awareness, preparedness and accuracy in the execution of its usefulness in time of extreme threats.As it was in the past so as it is today. Never change never falter.
Philosophical Doctrine: Pekiti-tirsia upholds the principle of belief:
To Believe in life not Death: this is specific tall order. No retreat no surrender. It has been practice in the past, now practice today by the Force Recon Marines.
To Believe in success not in failures. Once a Pekiti-tirsia man crossed the bridge he never look back he burns everthing to the ground to obtain the success of the mission. Success is the song of the singer he never fails.
To believe in good health not sickness: pekiti-tirsia man keeps and maintained his complete system in forms of non-stop training and with careful care in all forms of intake blended to the exercises that is a daily routine. Pekiti- tirsia forget his age he only remembers not to forget his birthday.
Pekiti-Tirsia man knows destiny. His life is guided towards the direciton of happines and long indeterminate age. Unending melody of thrills and action pack challenges
The Doctrine of Ideology is the best armor of the Pekiti-Tirsia man. And this Ideological belief is the most important ingredients in the life of struggle to perfection.
I few of the few that have these virtues. I have a good example of Michael Franciotti of California. From the day that Michael embraced Pekiti-tirsia he moved out from San Jose California leaving his parents to stay in New York only to fullfill the requirements of his dreams and desire to study the art that he has been dreaming. From the day Mike started with me I saw his determination like the character of Alexander the Great to win in every battle along the way towards conquest. Just as aggressive like Genhis Khan of Asia. Mike Franciotti is a special breed of man.From Mike's single year to the married Estate , Mike has been faithful consistent in calling me and sending me email support and offer to support in all my suggestions for the good of the system and for the good of true friendship. Till today Mike stand as one of the few that stands to do even the heaven falls.Mike Franciotti has a perfect character of a true warrior. Never show a sign of enviouness, greed, jealousy, disloyalty, selfishness neither practice any of them . He only speaks the glory of combativeness. Mike can answer any forms of challenges which is the living example of what is true Pekiti-Tirsia a true Pitbull blood.
How many persons today that is faithful and loyal to Pekiti-Tirsia. Among the originals only an handful of them.Most of them failed to exercise their principles and ignore their responsibility how to exercise gratitude.One of the living pillars of Pekiti-Tirsia is Philip Gelinas of Montreal Canada. A simple sincere man of principle filled with knowledge knowing his identity of a true friend and as warrior of special breed.The true warrior in Pekiti-Tirsia is brave never falter, a do or die mentality.
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By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Mon, 02 Jul 2007 18:02:35 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
It has been the tradition of the Pekiti-Tirsia kali system that the training discipline is the standing order in all the years past and present. The system never failed in terms of ratings . It has been my daily routine to follow the command of my old man( Grandpa) in all forms of requirement to complete the system .
Traditions : Pekiti-Tirsia in its best this year deserves special award for extra mile effort to fulfill the desire of the ancestors that pekiti-tirsia is a part of the growing demand as an instrument of peace under the philosophical values of every techniques utilize as a discipline under the Doctrine of Gallantry.
Customs: Under the tenets of cultural practices , Pekiti-tirsia in al forms of discipline such as training in combative survival school or in a combative sports or a daily protection program, the customary practices increases the level of awareness, preparedness and accuracy in the execution of its usefulness in time of extreme threats.As it was in the past so as it is today. Never change never falter.
Philosophical Doctrine: Pekiti-tirsia upholds the principle of belief:
To Believe in life not Death: this is specific tall order. No retreat no surrender. It has been practice in the past, now practice today by the Force Recon Marines.
To Believe in success not in failures. Once a Pekiti-tirsia man crossed the bridge he never look back he burns everthing to the ground to obtain the success of the mission. Success is the song of the singer he never fails.
To believe in good health not sickness: pekiti-tirsia man keeps and maintained his complete system in forms of non-stop training and with careful care in all forms of intake blended to the exercises that is a daily routine. Pekiti- tirsia forget his age he only remembers not to forget his birthday.
Pekiti-Tirsia man knows destiny. His life is guided towards the direciton of happines and long indeterminate age. Unending melody of thrills and action pack challenges
The Doctrine of Ideology is the best armor of the Pekiti-Tirsia man. And this Ideological belief is the most important ingredients in the life of struggle to perfection.
I few of the few that have these virtues. I have a good example of Michael Franciotti of California. From the day that Michael embraced Pekiti-tirsia he moved out from San Jose California leaving his parents to stay in New York only to fullfill the requirements of his dreams and desire to study the art that he has been dreaming. From the day Mike started with me I saw his determination like the character of Alexander the Great to win in every battle along the way towards conquest. Just as aggressive like Genhis Khan of Asia. Mike Franciotti is a special breed of man.From Mike's single year to the married Estate , Mike has been faithful consistent in calling me and sending me email support and offer to support in all my suggestions for the good of the system and for the good of true friendship. Till today Mike stand as one of the few that stands to do even the heaven falls.Mike Franciotti has a perfect character of a true warrior. Never show a sign of enviouness, greed, jealousy, disloyalty, selfishness neither practice any of them . He only speaks the glory of combativeness. Mike can answer any forms of challenges which is the living example of what is true Pekiti-Tirsia a true Pitbull blood.
How many persons today that is faithful and loyal to Pekiti-Tirsia. Among the originals only an handful of them.Most of them failed to exercise their principles and ignore their responsibility how to exercise gratitude.One of the living pillars of Pekiti-Tirsia is Philip Gelinas of Montreal Canada. A simple sincere man of principle filled with knowledge knowing his identity of a true friend and as warrior of special breed.The true warrior in Pekiti-Tirsia is brave never falter, a do or die mentality.
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