FMAT: Latosa style and blades

Clark Kent

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Latosa style and blades
By JeanFrancois - 02-01-2009 09:59 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Hello everyone,

I am a new member of this forum and would like to ask a question here.

As I am living in the Middle East for my work and studies the available choice of FMA is rather narrow. Until now I have came across a school in my vicinity which teaches the Latosa system. Personally I am mostly interested in the use of bladed weapons within the FMA.

My question is the following; will my interest for the blade be satisfied properly within the Latosa system? Or does the Latosa system focus mainly on the use of the stick rather than other weapons and empty handed fighting?

Hopefully you are able to help me out.

Thanks in advance,



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