FMAT: How much Filipinos knows about their own assets

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How much Filipinos knows about their own assets
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Tue, 21 Aug 2007 23:47:22 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Up to the present time,estimated filipinos who knows the word Arnis or Escrima is not even 5 per cent. More about the Karate and Kungfu but the Filipino Fighting art is going to be a rare specie in the future. Only the military and the police who may have good understanding and excellent training plus the dedicated civilians will have the storage of the art with the dedication to master the technonlogy.. But for people to learn and who had learn is still handful of them. For what reasons:

A.No government support. No specific budget to train Instructors for elementary or High school students.
B. Physical education teachers are too old to go into the rudiments of training. They know very little. They tell the students , Ok lets go exercise with the stick and this is Arnis, a filipiino martial arts.
C.No interest to educate the young people the fact that there are no incentives for a Physical Education teachers. Many tried but didn't go so far.
D.There is no public support. If there is only because they want to see the tournament during the fiestas.
E. There is rivalry among Instructors and style. Before one start to teach a group, a suppose to be Master who were able to have the opportunity tried to intrigue the sponsor that he is the right person to teach because he is older than the fellow who was granted the contract.
F.An Instructor has lmited ability to teach the real system all what he can use is his knowledge in Karate or Judo in Japanese way but filipino martial arts.
G.Instructors do not have the honesty in telling the students that what he is teaching is not real filipino using the blocks and disarming, kata and using Karate Gi plus blackbelt.
H.The title of the style is some names that has no cultural meaning.
I . Instructors lack of knowlege about the true filipino culture, traditions and customs.
j. Most of all is the hit and miss methods of teaching.
K.Physically Instructors have no personality to be called an instructor. Big Stomack, 300 lbs. Sit down instructor, cannot even swing the stick professionally.
L.Most of all only few Instructors have experienced in Sparring and had done full contact stick or knife fighiting.
M.Most Instructors are good in telling stories about their adventures with one meter of albums and pictures.
N. More are interested in the material income rather than the substance of true quality.This is understandable because Karate and Judo and aikido and other arts became commercial so it is also the Filipino way. But no filipino no matter how rich he is in the Philippines will pay $ 100.00 a month or about 4,500 pesos, Philippine money.
There is no much desire to learn, Colonial mentality. But if an American will teach the filipino Art then they are proud to have a teacher that is a foreigner.

Government support plus public education is needed to bolster the FMA in the Philippines.
There is no money for cultural education but there is money for political campaign.


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