FMAT: Hidden Blade

Clark Kent

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Hidden Blade
By PG Michael B - 06-23-2009 01:27 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


In SEAMOK Tactical Solutions we have a method that comes from our Solo Lanseta Kombate

Within this method lies a core way of hiding the blade while already deployed.

Example: You feel their may be trouble, so instead of waiting for the onslaught you employ your blade but hide it tactically, using your body to shield it from view of the assailant or assailants.

I teach my guys various hiding spots from both grips (sak sak and pikal)...behind the tricep/shoulder area in a cross armed position (sak sak)...behind the meat of the forearm which will turn into pikal when placed in usage, using the thigh to hide the blade in a sak sak position...or even palming the blade when it is of minuscule size.

I personally feel that it is a solid way of employing the blade. I loathe duels and by learning and using this method it is much easier to get the drop on your assailant in a quick, expedient and lethal way.

This method flows straight into our Slash & Pop and 4 Point Jabbing...allowing us to move when warranted and to simply cut away and stay out of the middle or inside of an attack.

A lot of systems teach to go up the middle and get into the gut of the situation. I teach the opposite...I try to avoid a center-line engagement preferring to cut and angle and slash....De'Cadena (chaining) with slashes and a few pops to vital areas. This not only keeps me from getting caught up in an inside game tussle where I can and probably will receive serious injury, it also keeps me in play with freedom of vision and movement to scope for potential multiple opponents. It is much easier to engage when the freedom of movement isn't impinged by being confined to tight quarters (the inside). This also allows me to slash and pop and get the hell out of Dodge!

Having been involved in both usage ( cutting someone) and receiving of blades into my flesh I have come to the simple truth that the blade has a point..and an edge and what ever it touches it will destroy. By employing an ambush mindset and a hidden blade method I feel the outcome will tip greatly in my favor and in the long run keep me out of a hospital or a casket.

This is a method that has serious ramifications( in various aspects). Make sure you are in the right...make sure the situation is warranted...with your training, a clear head should know when it is about to go seriously wrong. It is a gut feeling that you can't shake. You can feel it, taste it, and just know it is coming! It may be a rare occurrence but I feel it is better to be able to circumvent it with proper action and preparedness!

GO Ugly Early and WIN!

AG Michael B
SEAMOK Tactical Solutions
San Antonio, TEXAS

Simplicity with Intent

Plan your work, Work your plan


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