FMAT: Harder the conflict the Glorious the truimph

Clark Kent

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Harder the conflict the Glorious the truimph
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 17 Jan 2008 07:15:30 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Pekiti-Tirsia from yesterday, today and tomorrow is well founded in the discipline of harder training that leads to triumphant victory in all aspects of challeging times.Pekiti-Tirsia leads the maturity of knowing and understanding the intricate values of blade culture applicable to real combat from militaristic to non-militaristic equivalents leaving no stone unturned. Pekiti-Tirsia as a system itself, it can meet the demand of time, from Edged Weaponry to Gunology to highest metaphysical structure of warfare game. The discipline today and comming years are geared to mastery in every piece of instruments that can be utilized as a means of survival and a means to to protect oneself in time of crisis.

The discipline to meet the demands of time is what the training is for not what is needed that is useless and unacceptable. It is only by the discipline of perfection that Pekiti-Tirsia warriors can claim authority as a man of skill with sustainable expertise.

Mastery to the highest degree of knowledge guarantees the real filipino fighting system not by some manufactured style or stolen segments of techniques that are not even worth practicing for.The wrong use of the word to describe a technique, a wrong way of striking. a wrong way of doing an execution of applicability that can work to be real but rather a fancy action that a boy in a grade 5 class section 44 can even perform.

Someone in this FMA line up of Grandmasters that is still alive should come out and speak with clarity what is his style and how he can justify his techniques to be strong and can protect against a speed of 500 miles per second first class weaponry, the Ginunting.

How can this Grandmaster proved his style to be worth learning for when he fact he cannot even expressed himself with clarity about justifyiing the logic of his techniques and what is the Philosophy of his style. i cannot even call it a system.

How can one believe that this style is a real style when the history is baseless no truth about its origin all statements are stolen from one website guided by someone whose mind entertains the illussion of grandeur.

This is the century where the mind must expand to know and and understand but if someone follows this style then he is blind refuse to know and understand,then he is as good badly blinded in all the years of his life.

Why education is important to every man's life. Martial Arts is one of the Educational discipline that has to be studied and research diligently. It is a kind of education that is as important as finishing high school or college. But how many are blinded, blind followers are victims of falsehoods, false informations, false history.

A system that advocates realism can be judged by its training principles , Philosophy, Doctrine of Discipline and ultimate goals for each one who studies the system. It can be felt by the learining community that the teachings are effective and reasonable with aspirations inspired by the principles to survive.The Harder the conflict the Glorious the Triumph.


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