FMAT: Exceptional men of Principles

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Exceptional men of Principles
By GrandTuhon Leo T Gaje Jr - Thu, 05 Jul 2007 02:41:35 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


In the course of my many interfacing with different people in Martial Arts via seminars, meetings, conferences, camp meetings, among the military and civilian organization, I proudly commend the gentlemen who had been very serious in attending my seminars and camp whereever whenever it is being held. I have gentlemen who had been waiiting for the past 20 years taking the first chance to attend my seminars and camp training from United States to Europe and even in the Philippines. I am nobody not an actor or celebrity. People wanted a substantial knowledge freshly obtained from the point of logic and reason. Those who had the best opportunity to attend and be a part of the big event had many things to say and I know by heart they mean it.

They meant it because, the Philosophical discipline that they gained during the training is what they felt and what it will help to protect their life.
I would like to mention the few who were with me in the Philippines few months ago under the leadership of Craig Carpenter and Bruce Ogle .The group was incomplete with Criss Wiggins whose determination is beyond compare. These genthlemen have felt the meaning of what is the real thing. In florida recently we have the leadership of Dino Martinez supported by Artvilla and Clint whose determination was a great success.

These gentlemen are not alone, their own individual group had many things to say because to be madly crazy is a virtual attitude. Meaning take a very level of into the new guide level two which it is the safest animal i.


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