FMAT: Datu Dieter Knüttel coming to Texas

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Datu Dieter Knüttel coming to Texas
By Datu Dieter - 03-06-2009 07:07 AM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Hello everybody,

I recently received a nomination from the World Head of Family Sokeship Council for the Hall of Fame in San Antonio, Texas this May.
This is my 3rd nomination but out of different reasons I could not accept the first 2.

But this time I decided to accept and I will be coming to Texas in May.
So I would like to know,if anybody anybody is interested to host seminar with me sometimes on on Thursday, the 21st of May or Sunday the 24th of May? Or sometimes aroud this date anyway. (22nd and 23rd is reserved for the hall of fame activities)

Also I would like to communicate with Mark Lynn "the boar man" from Texas again, but his emails address I have seems not to be valid any more.
So if someone has it I would be glad to get it.

You can contact me either through this forum or send me a mail to

I am looking forward to any reply.

Regards from Germany

Datu Dieter Knüttel
8th Dan Modern Arnis
Grandmaster of the German Arnis Association, DAV


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