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Comparison of Inosanto Kali to other FMA styles and other questions
By jwinch2 - 10-28-2009 04:16 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Due to a situation where our instructor has taken a new job, my opportunities to train have changed somewhat recently. I really enjoy the training but since the person in question is a Law Enforcement Officer his schedule is hectic to say the least and thus no consistent training schedule is able to be offered at this time. I have full intent to continue training in my current location when classes are offered as I really enjoy the content and have a ton of respect for my instructor. However since I have no way of knowing when that might be, I have decided to explore other opportunities in addition to our training group.
There is a person not to far away from me who is a Full Instructor under Guro Inosanto who teaches few days a week. I talked to him on the phone yesterday and he seemed very excited about the possibility of bringing in someone new and offered to have me come in and try a few classes to see whether or not I was interested in continuing on.
So, that being said. Can someone fill me in on what to expect from the style in general? I have read virtually every thread on Inosanto Kali here on FMAtalk as well as other places and I am left not having all that good of an understanding of how it might be similar and different from what I have seen in the past. Specifically, I have questions in three areas. Area one is that of depth. Many times I have seen styles that try to blend many systems together end up a mile wide and an inch deep. Can someone describe the depth of study in Inosanto Kali in comparison to other FMA styles? My second area of question is that of focus. Some FMA styles are far more stick, mano mano, or blade focused. And finally, I am curious about the mindset. Some places I have seen are quite focused on combative intent and some are not. I recognize that some of these things like focus and mindset can vary from place to place depending on who is doing teaching but there still ought to be an overarching philosophy that is able to be understood by an outsider like me.
I have had previous experiences in FMA which primarily have focused on Modern Arnis but have also included training in Sayoc Kali and some small amount of training with a not too distant Pekiti Tirsia group. Any information on those things would be helpful and appreciated.
Thanks in advance. I look forward to any thoughts and answers to the my posed questions that you might have...
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By jwinch2 - 10-28-2009 04:16 PM
Originally Posted at: FMATalk
Due to a situation where our instructor has taken a new job, my opportunities to train have changed somewhat recently. I really enjoy the training but since the person in question is a Law Enforcement Officer his schedule is hectic to say the least and thus no consistent training schedule is able to be offered at this time. I have full intent to continue training in my current location when classes are offered as I really enjoy the content and have a ton of respect for my instructor. However since I have no way of knowing when that might be, I have decided to explore other opportunities in addition to our training group.
There is a person not to far away from me who is a Full Instructor under Guro Inosanto who teaches few days a week. I talked to him on the phone yesterday and he seemed very excited about the possibility of bringing in someone new and offered to have me come in and try a few classes to see whether or not I was interested in continuing on.
So, that being said. Can someone fill me in on what to expect from the style in general? I have read virtually every thread on Inosanto Kali here on FMAtalk as well as other places and I am left not having all that good of an understanding of how it might be similar and different from what I have seen in the past. Specifically, I have questions in three areas. Area one is that of depth. Many times I have seen styles that try to blend many systems together end up a mile wide and an inch deep. Can someone describe the depth of study in Inosanto Kali in comparison to other FMA styles? My second area of question is that of focus. Some FMA styles are far more stick, mano mano, or blade focused. And finally, I am curious about the mindset. Some places I have seen are quite focused on combative intent and some are not. I recognize that some of these things like focus and mindset can vary from place to place depending on who is doing teaching but there still ought to be an overarching philosophy that is able to be understood by an outsider like me.
I have had previous experiences in FMA which primarily have focused on Modern Arnis but have also included training in Sayoc Kali and some small amount of training with a not too distant Pekiti Tirsia group. Any information on those things would be helpful and appreciated.
Thanks in advance. I look forward to any thoughts and answers to the my posed questions that you might have...
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